
Showing posts from June 23, 2017

Inspired by.... Baba Luccia (markers)

Hi darlings! Time for another Inspired by post. Today I'm sharing with you a sketch (medium: markers on paper) inspired by Baba Luccia (visit her blog here ). Lately I've been using markers more (ordinary ones, not copic ones) and I ended up liking it. I actually draw this illustration last Summer with pencil and misplaced it. Now, that I found it again, I decided to fill it in with markers. Zdravo dragi! Vrijeme za još jednu objavu u Nadahnuta s rubrici. Danas sa vama dijelim skicu (medij: markeri na papiru)  nadahnutu s blogom Baba Luccia (posjetite ga ovdje ). U zadnje vrijeme dosta koristim markere (obične, ne copic markere) i zasada mi se svidjelo. Zapravo sam naslikala ovu ilustraciju prošloga ljeta olovkom, a onda sam jeuzagubila. Sada, kada sam je ponovo pronašla, odlučila sam je popuniti markerima.  MORE FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS DONE WITH MARKERS! https://moda...