Mostar at night (photography post) / Mostar noću (fotografija)

I'm not on first name basis with night photography, but it was worth a shot. The night was warm and calm, almost a summer night, but with that distinct smell of autumn while the city lights seemed to be glittering as joyfully as only the dreams of the young do. All in all, it didn't turned out so bad. I'm rarely satisfied with anything I do, but at the same time, I try to make most out of things. Nisam baš na ti sa noćnom fotografijom, ali vrijedilo je pokušati. Večer je bila topla i mirna, gotovo ljetna noć, ali ipak mirisaše na jesen, a gradska su se svijetla sjajila veselo kao što se sjaje samo snovi mladih . Čak mislim da i nisu loše ispale fotografije. Ja sam inače tip osobe koja nikada nije zadovoljan sa ničim što napravi, ali u isto vrijeme pokušavam izvući nešto iz svakog iskustva.