Book review of the day/ Ogled knjige dana ( Uršula Tolj: Uz kavu i čokoladu)

They say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes a cover can give us a pretty good idea about what kind of a book it might be. I picked this up from the library because I really liked the cover. Plus, I wanted to read something different. Lately I've been reading a lot of classics, so I was in a mood for something lighter. Chic-lit? Why not? I might give it a try once in a while. Turns out it is not my cup of tea after all, but I don't regret picking it up. It was a fun light read. A bit too light for my taste, but no hard feelings. It is not that I really disliked it, it just wasn't my kind of book. Kažu da ne bismo trebali suditi knjigu po koricama, ali ponekad nam korice daju naslutiti kakva bi mogla biti knjiga. Ovu sam posudila iz knjižnice jer mi se svidjela naslovnica. Uz to, htjela sam pročitati nešto drugačije. U zadnje vrijeme čitam puno klasike, pa sam htjela probati nešto drugačije. Chic-lit? Zašto ne? Mogu i to povremeno probati. Ispada d...