
Showing posts from June 10, 2013

Summer in Dalmatia...Ljeto u Dalmaciji...L'estate in Dalmazia

I wish I had an epic story to go with these photographs, but I'm afraid I don't. The thing is that I'm starting to feel the summer has arrived and I wanted to share the photographs that I took (on various occasions) to convey that feeling...and perhaps even to celebrate the fact that the summer has come... The location is Dalmatia, the region I originate from and speaking of which I'm not sure how to call myself as sharing a name with a breed of dog (however adorable it may be) seems kind of weird. So, here it is...a little bit of inspiration. Are you excited about the summer? I'll probably always be, it's my favourite time of year...and this is what summer feels like to me. Btw I've noticed that some of my readers know their way around Croatia, so I'm curious...Can you guess the cities on these photographs? Voljela bi da imam neku zanimljivu priču da ide uz ove fotografije, ali nemam... jednostavno osjetila sam da je došlo ljeto i htjela s...

Ljubuški (photography post)/ Ljubuški (fotografija)

These photographs were taken last spring in a little city in Herzegovina called Ljubuški. It was such a perfect day, one of those when everything seems the way it should be...  This place is right on the border with Croatia and besides beautiful nature that surrounds it, there are also historical sights that you can visit. Ove fotografije su iz Ljubuškog, prošlog proljeća...Bio je to jedan od onih divnih proljetnih dana kada se sve  čini savršenim. Ljubuški je blizu granice sa Hrvatskom, a osim prirode ima i povijesnih znamenitosti koje možete posjetiti.