Inspired by.... (annual recap)/ Nadahnuta s..... ( godišnji pregled )
Those of you who read my blog regularly know about my 'Inspired by' feature. It dates back to my early day of blogging. Being that it is December and all that, I decided to do a little recap of this year and I must say I'm suprised. I forgot how many illustrations of fashion bloggers I did! All in all, I published 30 illustrations of fashion bloggers on my blog this year. I painted even more, but some I didn't manage to photograph and post here yet. You can find a few more on my instagram here , here and here . Vi koji redovito čitate moj blog znate za moju " Nadahnuta s..." rubriku koja datira još iz samih početaka moga bavljenja blogom. S obzirom da je prosinac i tako to, odlučila sam napraviti mali pregled ove godine i moram reći da sam iznenađenja. Zaboravila sam koliko sam ilustracija modnih blogerica napravila! Sve u svemu, objavila sam trideset ilustracija modnih blogerica na blogu ove godine. Naslikala sam ih čak i više, ali neke još nisam uspje...