nails (red/white manicure)+ today's outfit post---crveno-bijela manikura i današnje ruho:)
Hello, how have you been? This is my 2nd post today and it's about 2 things. 1. nails I love dark red nails but yesterday after finishing them, I thought to myself: "This is kind of boring!" so I added white dots. ( I like dots) That's it. Pretty simple as I am no nail whisperer! ( that was kind of silly thing to say, right? that word is a bit overused. Nevermind, I promise to avoid it in the future). The brands are as you can see: Miss sixty and Maybelline. Product review: I'm not complaining, pretty good nailpolishes! Kako ste mi? Danas postam o noktima i onome što sam danas nosila. Jučer sam nalakirala nokte u crveno i pomislila kako izgledaju pomalo dosadno, pa sam dodala bijele točke. Poprilično jednostavno, nisam neki stručnjak za lakiranje ( dogodi se i da su mi nokti neuredni da budem iskrena, ali kad ih uređujem trudim se biti malo maštovita) a i odjevna kombinacija mi je bila jednostavna jer sam imala dosta toga za obaviti. 2. today...