
Showing posts from March 22, 2014

DIY + outfit post / uradi sam + odjevna kombinacija

I think you can guess what DIY is....the handbag (or the clutch because it can be worn as both.) Now there is a big pink flower on it...and to be honest, I'm not sure I was completely successful with this one. I think I could have done a better job. Maybe it isn't over yet (I still may add a  finishing touch)...we'll see (I'll write about it if it looks presentable)...The outfit is , as far as I'm concerned, very spring appropriate....a winter coat and a summer dress? Why not? I actually like early spring and its unpredictable weather changes. It's like mind games every day. What should I wear suddenly becomes almost a chess game. Your move, spring. Mislim da možete pogoditi o čemu se radi u ovom DIY projektu...or torbici (ili pismo torbici jer se može nositi na dva načina) Sada na sebi ima veliki ružičasti cvijet....i da budem iskrena nisam sigurna da sam se ovaj put iskazala. Mislim da sam to mogla i bolje napraviti...Možda još i nisam gotova,...