Welcome September! Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers. How are you doing? I hope you are well and that your September is up to a good start. Today I will share a new painting of mine with you. This post will be the nineteenth post in the category TRAVEL WITH MY ART . What does that mean? It means that once again I used my art to take you somewhere. A few months ago I had this idea of creating an art feature that would be dedicated to travelling i.e. illustrating different places and location. What can you expected to see here? So far, I have mostly painted and illustrated places I have visited myself, but sometimes I also painted places I would love to visit. The star of this feature has definitely been island Hvar. I have painted this magical island many times and truth be told, I'm pretty sure I'll continue doing so, because this island means so much to me. As long as island Hvar continues to inspire me, I will continue painting it. BOATS IN SUCURAJ- ACRYLIC ON CANVAS ...