Pink and blue dress (fashion illustrations on book pages) / Ružičasta i plava haljina (modne ilustracije na stranicama knjiga)

What do you do when you feel like drawing but you run out of paper?....draw on what you have at hand. Illustrating on book pages is certainly not a new concept, but I think this illustration was my first conscious work of this sort. I did draw on books before, but it was more doodles than anything else. Moreover, I usually did it absentmindedly. This time I just thought to myself- why not? So, I made this fashion illustration with markers. This lovely lady is wearing a strapless heart shaped pink gown. I wouldn't mind having something like this in my closet. Actually I just remember that I bought a similar dress once. Unfortunately, the quality was so bad that I never wore it out of the house. As soon as I brought it home, I saw that purchasing it was a mistake. The sticking was terrible and the dress was practically transparent. That is the last time I'm trying something on in a shop that doesn't have proper lighting and mirrors. A lesson was learned there. Never shop in ...