I think every opportunity to dress up should be seized. Carpe diem- seize the day. I like to dress up even when I'm at home or in the nature. Why should we wear nice clothes just for places someone deemed fancy? In my book, nature is by definition beautiful, far more beautiful than any place deemed fancy. So, it makes sense to dress the part. My home is a pretty fancy place in my book as well. What does dressing up mean anyway? I suppose 'dressing up' means different things to us all, doesn't it? For some it's more about clothes, for others it's all about choosing the right make up, hairdo or accessories such as pretty jewellery or a posh bag. My personal definition of it is doing or wearing whatever makes you feel dressed up or beautiful. In my case, it's mostly wearing clothes or accessories that I genuinely enjoy and that make me feel like a Barbie of some sort. A nice hairdo doesn't hurt either. I'm still struggling with iron and I found that b...