Things To Do in Ethno Village Herceg in Winter ( Medugorje, Herzegovina)+ Giveaway Winner Announcement

First of all, congrats to Mica from away from the blue blog for winning the art giveaway I hosted. If you remember, the only requirement for the giveaway was that you write why you like the three watercolour paintings I offered. I like to keep my art giveaway rules simple and open to anyone (no matter whether they are a follower or not) so I left the option of email instead of a blog contact. However, I didn't receive any emails. Mica wrote she likes the watercolour paintings because her favourite colour was blue in a blog comment so there is that. Prints of these paintings will probably eventually be available in my redbubble shop under artist name IvanaKada. Originals will be shipped to the winner. Today I'll be talking about things you can do in ethno village Herceg in Herzegovina. Today I'm taking you to Ethno Village Herceg in Međugorje (official site etno herceg ). This post is neither sponsored nor a collaboration (not that I would mind such an offer...