Rainy Sunday in Split/ kišna nedjelja u Splitu

I was thinking of doing a February recap, but I realized that there are still outfits from last month that I haven't had the chance to post. This is one of them. The photos were taken (with a cell) last Sunday on the beach Žnjan, in my homecity Split, Croatia. It was a rainy Sunday, but you won't see me misssing a chance for a walk near the sea. Palo mi je napamet napraviti sažetak veljače, ali onda sam shvatila da nisam ni objavila sve odjevne kombinacije, pa evo jedne od njih. Fotografije su slikane (sa mobitelom) na plaži Žnjan, u Splitu. Bila je to kišna nedjelja kao što možete vidjeti, ali šetnju uz more ne propuštam. The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. Jacques Yves Cousteau Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/sea.html#WDGeYurx0zmd5yOY.99