Hello, dear readers. Today I have a new reading recommendation for you: a novel that helped to establish the genre of cyberpunk! Published in 1984, Necromancer won all three major science fiction awards: Nebula, Philip K.Dick and Hugo award. Neuromancer brought fame to its author William Gibson , an American Canadian writer who (largely thanks to this novel) is today known as the leader of the cyberpunk genre. A classic of science fiction genre, Neuromancer is a novel that isn't easily forgotten. It's an unique and revolutionary piece of writing! " It was Gibson's debut novel and the beginning of the Sprawl trilogy . Set in the future, the novel follows Henry Case, a washed-up hacker hired for one last job, which brings him in contact with a powerful artificial intelligence . " cited from Wikipedia . This is what Britannica has to say about it: " Neuromancer , novel (1984) by William Gibson ...