Purple inspiration / Ljubičasto nadahnuće
Sometimes art inspires clothes and sometimes clothes inspire art....and life inspires both. I couldn't help matching my new pink heels with purple clothing items but I had to change into startas sneakers right after the photographs were taken because my foot hasn't healed yet. Fortunately these heels are very open at the front, so I can fit into them even when my foot is swollen but as far as walking in them that will have to wait. I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your loved ones. Enjoy the holidays! Happy Saint Stephen! I'm leaving you with my new illustrations and a new outfit post with a beautiful and sunny Mostar in the background. Ponekad umjetnost nadahnjuje odjeću, a ponekad odjeća nadahnjuje umjetnost...a život nadahnjuje oboje. Danas nisam mogla odoljeti ne uskladiti nove roze pete s ljubičastom odjećom, ali sam se ubrzo morala presvući u startasice jer me noga još boli. Srećom su ove pete otvorene naprijed pa ih mogu obući unatoč otečenom stopalu, ali ...