Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! How are you doing? To be honest, I'm not feeling that great. Besides struggling with what feels like a never ending migraine, I'm also struggling with some personal issues and griefs. However, I did manage to prepare a fun post for you, so let's get into that. Recently I have had the chance to visit my hometown Split. Today I'll share with you a few sights that you might want to see. There probably won't be as many tourists in Split as last year, as I imagine most tourists will avoid cities and head over to more serene places on Croatian Adriatic cost (I know for a fact that many private bays on island Hvar island are all booked for summer 2020!), but there will probably still be people visiting Split city. If you are one of them, here are some sights worth visiting in the old part of the city. LET'S START WITH SIGHTS WITHIN THE ANCIENT WALLS OF DIOCLETIAN PALACE Diocletian palace or in other words the old part of the S...