Christmas mood board / Božična inspiracija

Are you ready for Christmas? I'm not. I almost finished cleaning my house, but I'm definitely not ready for Christmas. Yet. I didn't even decorate my Christmas tree yet. I usually do it on Christmas Eve, but this year I might break the tradition. We'll see. I'll try to figure out all the Christmas decorations tonight. I need to decide how I'm going to set my table. I have ideas, but I haven't figured out how to connect them yet. All the cleaning took longer than expected. What I do have ready is my Christmas mood board. I've created two new festive fashion illustrations and one new Christmas card. Priorities, right? Why do something that is urgent, when you can do something that isn't? Well, maybe I can use this illustrations as a gift for somebody and save up some time that way. Now, that's an idea. Jeste li svi spremni za Božić? Ja nisam. Skoro sam gotovo s čišćenjem kuće, ali definitivno nisam spremna za Božić. Još. Nisam čak ni okitila j...