In this post, I will review The Victim , a novel by Saul Bellow. I read this novel many years ago but didn't share a review here on my blog. When I read another novel by Bellow three days ago, I naturally remembered this one. Moreover, I realized that I can recall the plot of The Victim pretty well. Some books are like that, they leave a trace. The Victim is a novel that captured my attention right from the start, even if the start was deceivingly simple. I remember being instantly drawn to this book, as uncomplicated as it seemed. It was like I was able to sense that the novel will get more layered in time. The Victim was my introduction to the writing of an American Jewish author Saul Bellow. Naturally, I was familiar with the work of this writer for many years. Saul Bellow was one of the most awarded writers of his generations. Most notable among Bellow's literary awards were the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Pulit...