Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! In this post, I'll share a few Summer to Autumn outfits I wore in Mostar. As I keep mentioning in all of my recent posts, I did some second hand shopping this Summer. I needed to make sure to follow my school's white and black dress code. This summer shopping I keep mentioning proved not only affordable, but also very successful. I managed not only to wear everything I bought, but also to transition all of my newly acquired items to Autumn. Now, you will see how I transitioned some of my newly acquired items for Autumn. The whole shopping second hand thing in the Summer took me less than half an hour. I spent less than 20 euros in total. Not bad! It seems that the less I shop, the better I get at shopping. Sometimes too much of the good thing can be bad for you. If you shop too often, you might stop to enjoy it. It might become a need, and that never good. Shopping is best enjoyed in measure, for it was never intended to be an addicti...