Ducks and Mostar / Patke i Mostar
If you suffer from a bird phobia, you might want to skip this post. There will be birds in this one, mainly ducks. If you don't like ducks, by all means don't scroll down. There are more photos of ducks than of myself in this post. What can I do? I love ducks. They seem to be more photogenic than me. The same applies for this city. Isn't Mostar extremely photogenic? It is one of the most photogenic cities that I know. These photographs were actually taken last year, but you will forgive me. Bojite li se ptica, možda vam je bolje da preskočite ovu objavu. Biti će ptica, većinom patki. Ako ne volite patke, nemojte gledati ove fotografije. Zapravo ima više slika od patki nego od mene u ovoj objavi. Što mogu? Volim patke. Čini mi se da su fotogeničnije od mene same. Isto vrijedi i za sam grad. Zar nije Mostar fotogeničan? Meni se čini da je jedan od najfotogeničnijih gradova koje poznajem. Ove su fotografije uslikane prošle godine, ali ćete mi oprostiti. ...