Book review and recommendation/ Preporuka i ogled knjige ( When Fox Is A Thousand....)

Last book I reviewed I described as a journey into a women's soul, a psychological novel with fantasy elements. I could describe this novel in the same way, the only difference would be that here mythological elements are Asian and not Slavic in origin. What book will I be reviewing today? One very special novel! My first book by Larissa Lai! When Fox is A Thousand happens to be her very first novel, published back in 1995. I was too young to read it back then (this novel isn't suitable for children and it is not exactly YA/ teenager appropriate either) but I'm not too young to read it now. Who is Larissa Lai? She is a Canadian writer and University professor. She was born in USA but grew up in Canada, where she still lives and works, so she is a contemporary Canadian author. Speaking of Canada, there is another contemporary Canadian author that I love dearly. I think I mentioned Margaret Atwood a number of times on this blog. She is not only an incredibly gifted...