Two dresses in vintage style/ Dvije haljine u vintage stilu

It was raining when these photographs were taken and the weather was rather gloomy, but I didn't mind. Can you guess why? Recently I've talked about my love for patterns and prints. Well, I'm feeling quite happy right now because I received two dresses from dresslink. Both of them are exactly my cup of tea. It feels so nice to slip into a cute dress. It always make me feel more feminine and lady like. That would be all for today. Have a great weekend! Kišilo je kada su ove fotografije uslikane i vrijeme je bilo poprilično sumorno, ali nije me bilo briga. Možete li pogoditi zašto? Nedavno sam pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema uzorcima. Danas sam poprilično sretna jer sam dobila dvije haljine od dresslinka. Obje su baš po mome guštu. Lijep je osjećaj nositi neku slatku haljinu. Odmah se osjećam ženstveno i više kao dama. Ugodan vikend! post update: Another way to wear this pattern dress. This polka dot pattern with roses is so chic! striped dress/haljina na prugice...