DIY inspiration (jewerly)---inspiracija za izradu nakita

Today I'm showing you a few pieces of jewelry that I have made. Jewelry is such a great accessory and a lot (aaaa looot) fun to make. You can use pretty much anything, ribbons you find in your home house, fimo, beads etc...However, if you plan to make a ring it is probably best that you buy the basic part of it (you can see in the photo 2 what it looks like). Trust me you'll never get a perfect round shape without special tools, so stopping by a hobby store can make your life a bit easier. Apart from that I don't stop by the hobby store often because for me the fun part is trying to make everything by myself. Nevertheless, hobby stores can be quite useful sometimes. Ponešto nakita što sam izradila. Nakit je odličan modni dodatak i jako ga je pametno praviti. Možete upotrijebiti štogod, vrpce koje pronađete u kući, perlice itd..No, ako planirate praviti prsten najbolje je da kupite osnovni dio u specijaliziranoj prodavaonici (tj. hobi dućanu) jer jako je teško dobiti ...