Šešir (modna ilustracija)/ A hat (fashion illustration)

Purple hat purple/ pink maxi dress “Perhaps we are in this world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again. With each love, we are born anew, and with each love that ends we collect a new wound. I am covered with proud scars.” Isabel Allende " Možda smo u ovom svijeti da bi tražili ljubav, pronašli je i izgubili je, iznova i iznova. S svakom ljubavi, ponovno se rađamo i s svakom ljubavlju koja završi dobijemo novu ranu. Ja sam puna ponosnih ožiljaka." - Isabel Allende I've started this post with the words of an author that is very close to my heart. This illustration is not my attempt to draw Isabel but since her words as well as the characters in her novels (among which there are many fascinating and surreal women) have got stuck in my head it would come as no surprise to me it if some of them got tangled in the nets of my imagination. In fact, all of the South American writers that I have had the chance to read have something magical and...