Inspired by.....Idu (fashion drawing coloured pencils)

Now, you know that a month can't go by without my Inspired by feature. No matter how pressed for time I might be, I'll do my best to make time for this feature. This fashion illustration was inspired by beautiful Idu from fashionably Idu blog (do check out her blog here ). All of you who are familiar with my love for bright colours and flare sleeves will understand why I drew this outfit (see the outfit here ). The medium is coloured pencils on paper. It took me about two hours to make this drawing because there are a lot of details. Ruffles are not the easiest thing to draw, especially when they are paired with flare sleeves but thanks to Zoe's Hong tutorials on YouTube (that and the time I put into practice), I've made progress. Mjesec ne može proći bez moje rubrike Nadahnuta s. Bez obzira na to koliko bila kratka sa vremenom, potrudit ću se napraviti vremena za ovu rubriku. Ova modna ilustracija je bila nadahnuta s lijepom Idu sa bloga fashionably Idu (...