My fashion illustration of the day/ Moja modna ilustracija dana (blue jacket and purple skirt/ plava jakna i ljubičasta suknja) 5.12.2016

Modern princess. This is what this painting makes me think of. Lately, I've noticed that women are starting to wear dresses and skirts more often. This makes me very happy not only because it is a style I personally favour, but because more versatility is always good. I mean there is nothing wrong with jeans, but they have (sort of) became a uniform, haven't they? Sometimes I feel that jeans have ventured too much into a comfort zone (for most of us anyway). It is like this magical denim item makes things (too?) easy for us and thus we experiment less. Not that I'm an an anti-jeans advocate. I'm wearing a pair of flares as I'm typing this. It just that I love to see women wearing skirts and dresses more often. What I like even more is that skirts and dresses come in such a variety of styles and lengths today: pencil, A-cut, midi, mini, bodycon, bohemian, princess name it, you can find it in shops, virtual or material ones. Moderna princeza. Na to...