Liebster award for bloggers

Thanks to and another lovely blogger I got Liebster Award! The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. All you have to do is : Tell 11 things about yourself Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger asked you Ask 11 questions to the bloggers you will nominate Nominate 11 new bloggers Make sure you notify the bloggers you nominate 11 random facts about me: 1. I don't have a driving licence. 2. I'm crazy about the sea. Diving and swimming are my favourite work out activities. One day I plan to do a swimathon. 3. I have never been on a diet until I got Chron disease...Now, I'm always on a diet. 4. I love cooking, as I'm restricted in what I can eat I love to prepare meals for others. I prepare at least 2 dishes for lunch everyday. I love experimenting ...