Books that made me cry...Knjige koje su me rasplakale....Dama s Kamelijama/ Lady of Alexandre Dumas (La Dame aux Camélias)

Hi there! How are you? I'm starting a new feature on my blog and it will be called Books that made me cry . Naturally, here I will be reviewing those books that moved me, not only as great works of literature, but also on an emotional level. Quite a few of them, like the book I will be reviewing today, will be classics. Well, I always say that classics are classics for a reason. I'm afraid that this feature will reveal me to be somewhat of a softie or a cry baby, but chances are you already knew that. Truth be told, there is one thing that can move me to tears quite easily and that is Art. High quality art always moves me, in whatever shape or form- paintings, music, films, photographs. Pablo Picasso said that art washes away dust from our everyday lives- wasn’t he right? Zdravo! Kako ste? Počinjem novu rubriku na blogu koja će se zvati Knjige koje su me rasplakale . Naravno ovdje ću recenzirati one knjige koje su me dirnule, ne samo kao sjajna književna djela, već i...