Ivana's Fashion Illustration Friday: New Feature On my Blog (Well, Sort Of)!

For a while now, I've been toying with an idea to start another regular feature on my blog. This one would be devoted to my fashion illustrations. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’d know that I had this little place of mine for years now. You’ll also know that fashion illustration has always been (at least a small) part of it. 

Like most bloggers, sometimes I wasn’t secure what I was supposed to with my blog, what I want or what I’m actually capable of doing. You know, desires are one thing, but logistics and possibilities are another. There is so much to consider before I sit down to write something, to edit photographs and press that publish bottom. I’m sure all bloggers can relate to that. There is always a bit  and sometimes a lot of self-doubt. Sometimes we need to just do it. Sometimes we need to sit down and analyse things. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves: Can it fit it into my schedule?

It’s normal to ask these questions. If you care about your blog, you’re bound to question things not once in a while, but quite often. There are projects I started, but wasn’t sure I’ll be able to finish. Sometimes it all went well, sometimes it didn’t. We all want to be consistent, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes we have great ideas, but we’re not able to put them in practice. Sometimes we lack ideas. Sometimes we don’t take care of the blogging basics (I’m definitely guilty of that!). In my case, there is often the issue of having so much ideas that I don’t know where to start. I want to do everything, and there is only 24 hours in a day. At times I'm certain that I could do better at some things, if only I found more time for it- and yet sometimes I feel it is better to post it and go from there. You can always improve on things.

I suppose that one of the reasons why I questioned whether to start a weekly feature is because I didn’t want to be limited by it. I wasn’t sure I’ll be able to come up with new fashion illustrations every day. Contrary to popular belief, making art demands money, effort and time. There is no ‘talent button’ that you press and end up being surrounded by fabulous art.  When I fall out of practice, I need to warm up.  Still, the idea of another regular art feature attracts me! My other regular monthly (only occasionally weekly feature) Inspired by is one of my favourite ones. So, why not start another one?


Friday fashion illustration has such a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?  Now, while I was writing this post, I realized that it is even possible that I started Friday Fashion Illustration in the past.  I opened my blog and searched for it- and what do you know? A blog post of mine appeared dating back to 28 th of February 2013 (yes, I really had this blog for that long – even longer actually). I’m not saying that I came up with this title. It is indeed probably that Friday Fashion illustration was a thing before I even thought of it, and if I knew whom to credit it to, I would. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve obviously tried to start this feature again- and now I’m going to trying and revive it.

A Girl in a Blue Dress Holding a Basket Filled With Flowers

Blogging is like that, sometimes you need a bit of inspiration. There is nothing wrong in looking for that inspiration on your own blog. This is something that I often forget to do. And it is so important! Not because you can find inspiration that way, but because it is a good way to revaluate your work. Like art, blogging is something that takes both time and effort. Is it a skill? In a way, perhaps it is. I feel that I’m still figuring it up, much in the same way I have a feeling I’m figuring art up. I still feel like a beginner in so many ways, and yet I feel like I’ve learned much from blogging and art.

A Girl in a Yellow Red Dress Holding a Bouquet of Flowers

But back to the topic of the day. My fashion illustrations. Today I’m sharing with you three fashion illustrations of mine.. One of them is more of a sketch (the red dress one), that a proper fashion drawing but anyhow you’ll see.  All of them were drawn this summer. The medium is pencil on paper. I had spilled one of the papers with coffee (the one with the red dress fashion sketch) but I was determined not to let it stop me from finishing it- and it didn’t.  I finished that fashion sketch. The two illustrations I did were both inspired by girls holding flowers. I don’t know what it is but I love to see women with bouquets. I love flowers and I love drawing clothes, so why not bring the two together? When I look at these fashion illustrations of mine, I know there are not very detailed and polished, but they mean something to me and that is why I feel I should share them.  


For a while, I've been pretty inactive on my Instagram account. One reason being that I was sick and thus unable to make new art and that was all I wanted ti post. I don't have a complex relationship with Instagram, it's more of a lukewarm relationship, then a love and hate one. Simply said, I feel more like a blogger, than I do as an Insta gal. I started my blog first, and it's has always been my favourite social media. Insta was always reserved more for my illustrations, and my blog for everything else. Anyhow, I didn't feel like posting my outfits on Instagram. I don't know why but I wanted my Instagram profile to be more about my art than about other things. So, I waited. The blog took priority as always and I almost forgot about my Insta account. Finally, I've come up with a way to share both my photography and illustration art. A way that makes me personally happy. So, it's something you'll see on this blog as well. A mix of my photography and art. I'm really looking forward to it. Here it is to creating more collages, like the ones you can see below!

That would be all for today. Tell me what do you think about my drawings. Would you wear dresses like these one? I'm learning fashion illustration as I go. I try to always challenge myself. I watch YouTube tutorials of fashion illustration teachers and so on. Fashion illustration and design, both of these fields are  something that I've always felt very drawn to. If there was a course in fashion illustration, I'd probably take it. Over the years, I've took four classical art courses and I'm always looking for ways to learn more. So, if you have any art tips, feel welcome to share. I'm happy to start this Fashion Illustration feature once again.



  1. Olá, tudo bom?

    Maravilhoso o seu trabalho e desenhos!! :)

    Um beijo,

    My Pure Style x My Instagram x My Facebook 

  2. so lovely idea to put this all drawings into this pretty photos xx

  3. Pupi sempre dire che quella macchia di caffè fa parte del tocco dell'artista!
    Bellissime come sempre, le tue illustrazioni, è normale che un blog cambi perché è il nostro angolo perosnale e come noi può cambiare umore!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  4. The way I look at it is that this is your blog and the creative direction you take it in is up to you. I agree that sometimes time becomes a factor in what we're able to share as I run into the same issue. This is a lovely new feature. I always enjoy your artwork and to see them presented in this manner is quite refreshing. That blue dress is totally up my alley and I would love to wear it right now :)

    1. thank you so much Rowena. I'm happy to hear you like the dress.

  5. I know I've said this before, Ivana, but you have such a talent!!
    I love that you put these illustrations in front of the photos...it's such a unique way to present it.
    Have a great weekend!!

  6. Gorgeous illustrations <3

    Serene XO


  7. Oh, beautiful! Fantastic post!
    Kisses :)

  8. I am really glad you decided to do this feature! I know it's hard to be confident about what we want to post, but lately I try to just do what feels natural to me without over thinking. I am sharing a part of me with people and if I overthink it, then I feel that I am not really being authentic. Your illustrations are amazing though <3 Keep sharing your talents with us!

    -PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

    P.S. I will be hosting a giftcard giveaway on my Instagram page soon! Let’s follow each other!

    1. thank you dear. Sometimes it is best not to overthink things.

  9. Your written has really gotten so beautiful, calming, precise, and quite elegant this past month! (I think I said this already on another post haha). I adore how you have taken your fashion sketches and put them atop of photos of beautiful locations. It really makes the illustrations come to life even more if they aren't already. And I too have a think with bouquets and flowers so I quite like having them there. I love how Sicilian the lady in the blue dress is and to be honest, she kind of reminds me of you :) I hope you are well and have a lovely weekend xx


    1. Thank you Isabella. That may be so, sometimes artists draw themselves unconsciously.

  10. Beautiful illustrations. I love the one with the yellow dress!
    Keep on drawing!!!


  11. This is a great feature for you to start, you're so creative! :) Or to re-start, ha! I really like the way you've made the images with the illustrations on top of the photos, so fun :)

    I think you did a great job finishing the red dress illustration despite the coffee - and it almost looks like a heart at the bottom there!

    Hope that you have a nice weekend ahead of you! It might be a quiet one here as we are supposed to get some much needed rain.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. thank you Mica. I'm hoping for a quiet weekend too.

  12. your drawings are lovely, ivana! i love the dresses :)

    xoxo, rae


  13. This is so adorably quirky and I love it! The blue dress is perfect for Greece!
    xoxo Shannon


  14. Bellissimi i tuoi bozzetti, mi piace molto l'abito blu e rosso

  15. Hi Ivana, how are you? I'm really loving the new feature you are planning for the blog. I mean, why not? If you want to do it, then do it! I especially love the collage ones as your drawn fashion girls get to have a pictureque lanscape as a background - how fantastic! You are right about finding inspiration, everywhere. It's nice that you found yours from your own blog. It goes to show that if you are open and receptive, who knows what will inspire you next. I hope I made sense there. I'm recovering from a fever and can't wait to have my energy up but right now, I'm taking it slow as it's only today that I feel more like myself. Two days ago, I felt like a zombie heheh :D Wishing you a brilliant week :)


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