How To Choose a Festive Outfit? + More Tips for Surviving the Holiday Season

Festive season is in full swing. Speaking of which, I hope you all of you who celebrate Christmas ended up enjoying a fabulous Christmas day. Those of you who don't celebrate it, I hope you had a great day too. New Year is almost here and choosing a festive outfit is still on top of our priorities. Maybe we can learn something from our previous experiences? What are your tips for choosing the perfect festive outfit? Do you remember what you wore last NYE? Are you happy about the choice you made last year? I think asking questions like that can actually help us to find our perfect outfit for this New Year Eve (and other festive occasions still to come). Today I'll show you two things: what I wore for Christmas day & how I have decorated my home this festive season. I'm also going to talk a bit about choosing an ideal outfit for the festive season. Moreover, I'll offer more tips for surviving the festive times. If you remember, my last post was all about how w...