Advent wreath (DIY) / Advenski vijenac (uradi sam)
Yesterday we were supposed to light the first candle on the advent wreath (or advent crown as some call it). I decided to used the one from last yeast (with candels that I painted myself). However, I wanted something new so in five minutes I created a brand new advent wreath. I was able it in that short time probably because I already had some home made decorations ( I love making decorations as you know). I just placed four candles on a plate and added some stones, artificial flowers and coloured hard cookies that I have been using as table decorations (even as jewerly) throughout this year. To see this ' five minutes' advent wreath scroll down. Jučer smo trebali zapaliti prvu svijeću advenskog vijenca. Odučila sam koristiti onaj od prošle godine (sa svijećama koje sam sama oslikala). No, htjela sam i nešto novo pa sam u pet minuta napravila skroz novi advenski vijenac. Vjerojatno sam ga mogla tako brzo napraviti jer imam dosta ručno rađenih dekoracija pri ruci (kao što z...