
Showing posts from September 5, 2014

DIY necklace / uradi sam ogrlica

Today I'm presenting another one of my creations, this time a statement necklace. This floral dress you saw plenty of times on this little blog of  mine. Depending on accessories this dress can be both formal and casual. This time I went for the latter option and wore it with a denim vest that I have embroidered myself (I'm kind of proud of my skills with the needle in the embroidery department) and an old pair of mules. The yellow bag seeemed the perfect choice for this girly look (that or I'm too lazy to move stuff out of my bag so I end up wearing the same one for an entire  week). Danas vam predstavljam još jednu od svojih kreacija, ovaj put upečatljivu ogrlicu. Ovu haljinu cvjetnog uzorka vidjeli ste puno puta na blogu. Ovisno o modnim dodacima ova haljina može biti ležerna ili formalna. Ovaj put ležernost je prevladala pa sam je iskombinirala sa traper prslukom kojeg sama sama izvezla (pomalo sam ponosna na svoje vještine s iglom) i s...