Hello! Did you know my blog came to life on 22nd of November 2012 ? My first post was about baseball caps, so it was fashion oriented and contained what could be now called 'outfit post'. I opened my blog planning to write about fashion, but with time it grow to include my other interests such as art, literature and sustainable travel. So, I have been blogging for eleven years and a month! That's quite a long career for a personal (i.e. non profitable) blog, I would say. I even googled the average life span of a blog and the result indicated an average of only one hundred days. I'm glad I'm still blogging. I've considered retirement once or twice, took a break or two, but I always came back to blogging. Why not? Blogging can be such an educating and enriching experience. Both blogging and reading blogs is something I still love, so I plan on continuing doing it. There's much talk about whether blogs are dead or not, but if you're not doing it for a pr...