What makes a dress perfect? fashion illustrations of the day

What makes a dress perfect? Is the cut? Is the feeling it gives to us? Is it the gift on increased confidence? Is it a sensation of feeling good in our skin? What is the important thing in choosing a dress? I suppose that the answer to that question will depend on the person asking the question. I would be curious to know what makes a dress perfect for you. Some people are more sentimental about clothes than others. For some ladies, the perfect dress is the one they had and loved for a long time. For others, it is that brand new dress that seems to promise a new adventure. Both answers are perfectly valid in my opinion. *Post update: This post has been updated with my fashion illustrations, so that my 'fashion meditations and musings' could be better visually accompanied. Scroll down to read more. Some women like to follow trends and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what you enjoy doing. Some women prefer dresses that were popular in other decades. ...