jedna kožna jakna /one leather jacket

Is there anything more timeless than a leather jacket? Considering that first clothing was made from fur and leather, it must had been one of the first clothing items. However, what we know as the leather jacket today is more similar to the ones worn by aviators and the military in the early 1900ties. Leather jackets have since been associated with many subcultures and groups (soldiers, cups, bikers, punks, goths, metal-heads etc) and ultimately they have made their way into closets of most people. Što je muškarac bez brkova, što je žena bez dobre kožne jakne? (to sam baš morala napisati) Vjerovatno je kožna jakna jedan od prvih komada odjeće ikada napravljenih, uzimajući u obzir da se u samim počecima civilizacije odjeća radila od kože i krzna. No, kožna jakna kakva nam je poznata danas nastala je u prvim godinama 20 tog stoljeća i nosili su je zrakoplovci i vojnici. Sve od tada, kožna je jakna popularna u mnogim subkulturama i i udruženjima (vojnici, policajc...