Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! Happy start of the Summer! In this post, I'll share a book review for novella by Joseph Condrad and two summer outfits. Speaking of Summer, how's life been treating you? I've been busy with tutoring and stuff, so I haven't really started my vacation yet. I might even have a working summer. The photographs I'm going to share where taken in Mostar (apart from one seaside painting and photograph collage I'm sure you'll recognize from this post). I felt like any Joseph Conrad book review needs at least one seaside photograph. Anyhow, back to the book review. Published in 1902, Typhoon is a novella that, for all that we know, might have been based on a real-life experience. Joseph Conrad drew on his own personal seaman experiences in many of his works, so why should this novella be an exception? To what extent it's autobiographical, we don't know, but it's definitely based on his mariner expertise. At any ra...