Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! I'm not sure will I share my paintings online anymore, but I will probably continue to share my fashion sketches. Speaking of that, I do have a new fashion illustration to share with you. Today it's Friday Fashion Illustration so the timing is perfect. Fashion illustration is such a big part of this blog. I hope it will stay that way. I drew this quick sketch with watercolour pencils on A4 paper from some random sketchbook. In fact, I'm not even sure the paper is suitable for watercolours. Anyhow, I had fun drawing this one. I used my own photograph as a reference. Scroll down to see more. This illustration was inspired by one of my recent 'stay at home' looks. Sometimes I like to get all dressed up for no reason. Another reason why I used one of my own photographs as a reference is because I wanted to draw a sitting illustration. Using a reference helped me to do it quickly! SHOULD YOU USE A REFERENCE WHEN PRAC...