Vintage (outfit post/ odjevna objava) A Matching Floral Set Worn For a Day in A Park
This is the first time I'm wearing this set, i.e this vintage blouse and matching skirt together. I have no idea why it took me so long to pair these two matching items together. Perhaps I was afraid that it will be too much. However, as soon as I put them on it felt so right. I knew that I had to do my best to style it properly. So, I added this lovely vintage leather bag and I chose snake print pumps to really go over the top with the prints. The pumps are not vintage nor is this necklace I made myself, but still I feel there is enough vintage in this outfit to be classified as a vintage outfit. What is your verdict? Too much patterns or just enough? Ovo je prvi put da nosim ovu vintage bluzu skupa s ovom suknjom s kojom je zapravo došla u kompletu. Ne znam zašto mi je tako dugo trebalo da spojim očito, ali možda sam se bojala da će nekako biti previše. No, čim sam ovo obukla osjećaj je bio tako dobar. Znala sam da se moram potruditi da to što bolje iznosim, pa sam dodala o...