
Showing posts from July 3, 2014

outfit post/ odjevna kombinacija (once a bookworm, always a book worm)

This outfit post is really special to me because it encorporates several items that I have made myself. The first one is a necklace that I have made recently using fabric, faux leather and feathers (all recycled materials i.e things I already had at home). The second item would be the bag that bears inscription 'Once a book worm, always a book worm.' The bag is recycled. I have painted the little books and written the proverb on it with textile paints (I'd written about it in detail often enough) Finally, there is a skirt to which I have attacked lace ( by sewing it) All in all, a very enviromentally friendly outfit.  It might be said that this outfit is about two things: DIY and flowers. There are flowers both on the skirt and the blouse and that is not the only reason why I have matched them together. I don't usually wear skirts that are as short as this one so matching it with an oversized blouse only made sense. In this way I didn't feel like there was too ...