Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! It feels kind of odd putting together a blog post again. While I haven't completely stopped blogging in the last few months, my posts were less frequent than usual. I can't wait to get back into saddle, though. I can't promise to be that present in the blogging world just yet as I've started a new job recently and moved countries again (and that's a lot of fun when you're chronically ill and on expensive therapy you might miss out on while trying to sort out medical insurance details). However, I might have weekends off on this new job (if I don't find a second job and I might have to do that....) but more about that some other time, let's return to this blog post. Today I'll share a quick illustration I did for promotional purposes back in August. It was a quick drawing depicting a simple yoga pose. As you can see I used one of my own photographs as a reference (I took the photo with a self timer). I drew thi...