
Showing posts from November 1, 2015

Wolfie /Vučko

It is funny how silly little things can sometimes make our day better. Everytime I reach for change and take out this little wallet ( here ), there is a big grin on my face. I call it wolfie...and you know you are emotionally attached to something when you nickname it. Am I right or am I right? Now, about the outfit. I love wearing yellow in Autumn. This yellow blazer is vintage and the yellow top was sewn by my mother a long time ago. I had these jeans for ages and I still love them despite the fact they're a bit oversized for me....and once again, biker boots make everything more cool. Neobično je kako nas nekad blesave male stvari raspolože. Svaki put kad posegnem za sitnišem, pa izvadim ovaj mali novčanik za sitno ( ovdje ) , moram se nasmijati. Zovem ga vučka, a znate da ste uz nešto emotivno vezani kada mu smislite nadimak. Nisam li u pravu? Što se tiče kombinacije....Sako je vintage, a žuti top je ušila mama  davno, davno....Traperice sam kupila prije puno godina i još ...