Hello dear readers! Today I'm taking you to Kaštela town. This city is located in vicinity of my home town Split city. The origin of Kaštela town is really interesting. It's composed of different villages that merged into one and with time this complex of villages became a town. Kaštela is composed of seven different settlements (villages). In fact, Kaštela has been rewarded the status of a town fairly recently. When I was a little girl, Kaštela was a part of Split city, a suburbs of sorts. However, this place has definitely grown. Tourists are starting to discover it as well. Some parts of this city are quite historic. There are beautiful stone castles and houses. You can also enjoy a beautiful view of Split city and of the islands. You can read more about Kaštela on their offical Tourist Board site. Look at those stone houses that seem to grow out of the sea. Isn't that quite something. A famous Croatian painter painted this scene, maybe you have seen it ...