Hello! In this post, I'll share with you three warm summer outfits featuring skirts. I'm stressing the warm because we're experiencing a heatwave at the moment.  Skirts can be a great option when the weather gets really hot and the temperatures rise sky high, because skirts are just as breathable as dresses, but allow you to mix and match. You can wear your skirts with different tops, blouses, or even dresses. Of course you can still layer your dresses in summer (I even published a two part guide for doing it 1 &2), but it's easier to achieve versatility with skirts.

You could say this post is my answer to the question: How to wear skirts in the summer? My advice is to pick breathable materials. A nice satin or denim skirt can take you far. Open toe shoes, such as sandals, can help you be more comfortable.  Depending on the style of the shoes, you can create a more dressed up or down outfit. You can dress your skirts down with casual shoes ( for example sneakers) and dress them up with more dressy shoes (that are not necessarily heels). 

One more thing I like to do is wear dresses and skirts together. I often tuck in my dresses into skirts to create a more polished look. This also eliminates the need to wear a underdress, undershirt or a petticoat. I do love wearing skirts and dresses, and it feels lovely to combine the two. It also saves time packing. I only occasionally do I opt for summer stylings that don't involve skirts or dresses and when I do, I usually opt for jumpsuits/rompers, palazzo or wide trousers, straight cut jeans,  bermuda shorts and  capris

Another thing I'm going to share today is a movie recommendation for the French movie The Odyssey (L'Odyssée) about the French explorer and activities Jacques Costeau. This film focuses both on his professional and personal life, showing the complexity of his characters. Moreover, it really stresses the role he played in rising awareness about environmental issues and the damage we've been doing to the oceans.  Scroll down to see and read more. 

Summer fashion is a pretty common topic on my blog, partly because I live in a very hot climate! As a Mediterranean, mastering summer fashion is not a luxury, it's a way of life. So, let's have a look at the post specifically focusing on the topic of summer fashion (some of them were already linked up in the first part of this post). 

MY SUMMER STYLE ESSENTIALS IN ONE OUTFIT - in 2019, I published a post where I talked about my style essentials.  At every change of season, I think it makes sense to take some time to consider what we will be wearing in the next few months. You know, it really doesn't hurt to take a few minutes to think about what we want and need. This might save us time in the future (and we all seem to crave  more free time in summer). 

If you're the type to enjoy casual outfits the most, then that is the kind of summer outfits you can plan. On the other hand, if you prefer a more dressier style, then that is what you can work with. I feel like my style is a mix of the two, so that's what I'll be working with in my head. Getting dressed up in the morning is always easier if we know what kind of outfits we are going for. Style essentials can really help us, not only in planning our outfits, but in organizing our wardrobe as well. 

 You can figure out your essentials by asking yourself a few simple questions. Is what I'm planning to wear appropriate for the weather we'll be having?  Is there a print or a trend you love for summer? If yes, that can help you plan your outfits around it. Do you like straw accessories? If yes, then you already have yourself a summer style essential. Figuring out our summer style essential isn't terribly difficult. You just have to think about the items you like to wear and the way you like to wear them. 

You know recently my husband was driving me to one of my client's houses (I also freelance as a tutor), and our car broke down. I had to walk the rest of the day. If I didn't have a wide brim hat, I don't know how I would have survived that. Sure, it was a short walk but the sun was strong!

A while back, I came across a piece of information according to which every additional inch of a brim  hat lowers the chance of skin cancer by ten percent. I'm not sure was that information based on an actual study, but it is certainly something to keep in mind. Wide brim hats are a wonderful choice for summer. I have quite a few of them. Even without the sun protection benefit, I would probably still wear hats because they look tres chic. 

The best thing about wide brim straw hat is that you can buy them for practically nothing. I'm pretty sure that I didn't pay more than three euros for any of the summer hats I own, and let me tell you they have all withstood the test of time- I've had them for years. To buy a nice summer hat, one doesn't have to break the bank. I'm not a snob when it comes to the material, some of my hats are made from polyester imitating straw, some are regular straw hats. I enjoy wearing them all. When I get bored of the hats I have, I tend to just paint on them or freshen them up by wrapping a scarf around them.  

The outfit you're seeing is something I actually wear for summer travelling. This place is a highway stop on border with Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

When it comes to summer travel style, being reasonable and practical is important. However, often knowing how to have fun with our clothes is just as essential. Sometimes it is important to improvise a bit. Wear something you really want to wear. You are on vacation after all!
 Not all the travelers/ tourists need to dress the same. Like with everything, you shouldn't be a slave to the rules. Learn the rules and then break them. Moreover, you get to decide what is comfortable for you. That's my main tip for selecting travel outfits. You know yourself best, you know what is best for you. 


As I said, this outfit is a travelling one. It's the kind of travelling outfit I like best, comfortable but also stylish and chic. I felt great wearing this. I didn't plan on actually photographing it, but seeing that my husband likes to take photographs of me, most of my outfits do end up on blog sooner or later.


To promote and inspire fashion sustainability, I like to link up my old looks and show different ways I wore some item.


THE RED DRESS WITH A PATTERN BOTTOM (moda in)-  previously worn on my blog:

1)here in 2015 I styled it with wedges and a summer striped baker boy hat. 
2)  here in 2015, I again styled it under a skirt so that it appears as a top. I absolutely loved this outfit shot in front of my late grandmother's house. 
3) here in 2016, I posted how I wore it with stilettoes (my wedding stilettoes actually), a red fringed bag and a DIY necklace. I wore this outfit for a lunch date (possibly my anniversary lunch date).
4) here in 2014, I wore it for a visit to island Hvar. I paired it with white heels, diy necklace and a pink bag.
6) here,  in 2021, I styled it with jeans, biker boots and a fringed brown bag. 
7) here, in 2015, I wore it with flipflops, a diy necklace, a straw hat and a yellow bag.
This is what this dress looks like worn on its own!

THE BLUE PENDANT STATEMENT NECKLACE I received this necklace in a collab in 2015 from an online site that doesn't exist anymore, and I still wear it pretty regularly. 

2/3/4) You can see how I wore it with 3 different outfits in this post in 2016.

I wear this little beige bag all the time. It's very light and it's very cute. 

This pair is from a Spanish brand Art that I love. I've had them for years and I wear them all the time. The sandals are incredibly comfortable but (in my opinion), they don't have that ugly tourist sandal vibe going on. 

1-30) In 2021, I published 30 WAYS TO WEAR A PAIR OF TROPICAL SANDALS. I love coming back to this visual guide for more inspiration on styling this versatile pair. 

31) I wore them with a white dress and a big straw hat for a visit to Buna ten days ago. 


Do you love watching films in the Summer? I perhaps watch them more in the summer than any other time simply because sometimes it feels too hot to move...and then watching a film seems like a good idea. So, let me share a review for a film I have seen recently and really loved!

I'm a fan of French films in general. I love how versatile their film industry is, you can find anything from really serious drama films to comedies. Often French movies are a mix of drama and comedy, something I enjoy a lot. I also feel like French actors act in a very natural way. It's like watching real people having real conversations. Of course, the script writers are always also important. Even the most talented actor can't do wonders with a badly written  script. Fortunately, in this film both the script and the actors are simply splendid


There is no doubt that Costeau has left an incredible legacy. This French explores changed the way we see not only the sea but the world. Costeau managed to make people realize the dangers of pollution and the effect we have on the environment. He managed in not only researching the sea, but bringing it closer to an every day person through a series of projects, lectures and films. Costeau made a difference for sure! So, it's not surprising that he has been chosen as a subject for a film. 

Here's a little excerpt from BritannicaJacques Cousteau (born June 11, 1910, Saint-André-de-Cubzac, France—died June 25, 1997, Paris) was a French naval officer, ocean explorer, and co-inventor of the Aqua-Lung, known for his extensive underseas investigations....To expand his work in marine exploration, Cousteau founded numerous marketing, manufacturing, engineering, and research organizations, which were incorporated in 1973 as the Cousteau Group. In 1950 he converted a British minesweeper into the Calypso, an oceanographic research ship, aboard which he and his crew carried out numerous expeditions. Cousteau eventually popularized oceanographic research and the sport of scuba diving in the book Le Monde du silence (1953; The Silent World), written with Frédéric Dumas. In 1956 he adapted the book into a documentary film, directed with French motion-picture director Louis Malle, that won both the Palme d’Or at that year’s Cannes international film festival and an Academy Award in 1957, one of three Oscars his films received. Also in 1957, Cousteau became director of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. He led the Conshelf Saturation Dive Program, conducting experiments in which men lived and worked for extended periods of time at considerable depths along the continental shelves. The undersea laboratories, called Conshelf I, II, and III, sat at depths of 10 metres (about 30 feet), 30 metres (about 100 feet), and 102.4 metres (about 336 feet), respectively, in the Mediterranean Sea near Marseilles. In 1974 he formed the Cousteau Society, a nonprofit environmental group dedicated to marine conservation.

Cousteau produced and starred in many television programs, including the American series The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau (1968–76). Several documentaries were produced with his son Philippe, until Philippe’s untimely death in a plane crash in 1979. He was awarded the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1985. In addition to The Silent World, Cousteau also wrote Par 18 mètres de fond (1946; Through 18 Metres of Water), The Living Sea (1963), Three Adventures: Galápagos, Titicaca, the Blue Holes (1973), Dolphins (1975), and Jacques Cousteau: The Ocean World (1985).


One thing I have to say about this biographical film is that the cast is really fantastic. I'm not familiar  with the work of French actor Lamber Wilson (58 at the time if I'm not mistaken) but I like that they have chosen a mature actor. If you think about it Cousteau achieved what he did- in his mature years. For most of his life, Cousteau was a navel officer. However, his love for the sea encouraged him to take that leap forward in his mature years. So, choosing a mature actor makes sense. Supposedly,  Lambert Wilson, lost 10kg to play the thin explorer. Did I really see Cousteau in Lambert? The physical resemblance isn't strong, and the mannerism are somewhat different. No, I can't say that I did, but I still think he did a great job in portraying his drive and his often intense emotions. 

The actor that was chosen to play Cousteau's son Philippe is simply perfect for the role. Unlike the actor that played Cousteau, I was familiar with this actor. Pierre Niney is one of my favourite French actors of the new generation, and he's splendid. I'm considering going to see the new Monte Cristo just because of him. He did a fantastic job in this film. Whatever age Pierre plays, he looks that age. When he plays a teenage Philippe, he looks like a teenager. When he plays a more mature Philippe, again the looks the part. I have to actively remind that this actor is about my age, he looks like a teenager. I mean, this film was filmed in 2016, but still. However, he was very convincing as an older Philippe. 

This movie actually focuses a lot on the loving but troubled relationship that Cousteau had with his second son. So, the role that Philippe plays is very important.  Philippe resents his dad's absence as a kid, but when he becomes a grown man, he experiences something similar with his kid. He realizes how hard it is to be a parent and work on a cause. Not all jobs are the same. Being an explorer or an artist is not a 9 to 5 job. Cousteau gave himself to his projects, and once he was older Phillipe did the same.

I loved how this film also focused on the challenges on parenthood and marriage. It dealt with the topics of family- where does one's life purpose start and when does family count into it? Is family the purpose of our life ? Should it be? Should we aspire towards something greater together? Can we have both?  Can you really sacrifice all your time to a project and not have it effect your relationship? To what extent can you and should you expect support? 

Cousteau's relationship with his first son is more calm, but perhaps paradoxically his younger son is the one who really takes after him, whereas the first son might be more like his supporting wife. Philippe tragically died in a plane crash in 1979. This was a heavy blow for Cousteau and one can say that he never fully recovered. The same can be said for Phillipe's mother who is another key character in this film. 

Famous French actress Audrey Tautou plays Cousteau’s first wife, Simone. To say that she did an amazing job would be an understatement. I won't get into much details, but the relationship between Simone and Cousteau wasn't without its problems. As it well know, Cousteau not only wasn't faithful to his wife, he had a whole another family. 

You could say that Simone was often the glue that held everything together. I like how the film managed to show how important Simone's support was for Cousteau. The ship's crew adored her, and she really mattered. Audrey played both her strengths and vulnerabilities wonderfully. 


You could say that this film focuses on two things: personal life (family) and professional life (the fight for the protection of the environment). I felt like this film really stressed that Cousteau legacy is one of the environmental protection. This was well done! Finally, I felt like the movie gave us insights into Cousteau's personal life but not in a soap opera way. This film doesn't judge anybody. It shows human beings as human beings- complex and flawed, but also brave and amazing.

Cousteau made many risks in his life in order to achieve his dreams. I liked how the film didn't make it look easy, and it also didn't make him into a typical hero. He's simply a man who cared deeply about the sea. He's very human and makes a lot of mistakes. Not all of them can be corrected.


Well, honestly I feel like it taught me a lot. Often we're taught that we have it all, but that's not true.  This film taught me that often we have to make sacrifices. Sometimes we have to risk it all. You can not have it all. Life is short, but what we have within ourselves is eternal- the capacity to love.

Now, that the movie recommendation and the review is done, let me show you two more outfits with skirt- because why not? 

THE LEOPARD TOP- I bought this top in Terranova ages ago. It was almost sold one, just one piece remained in size small and I'm well- not small. I'm rather tall. So, what did I do? I cut the ends of the sleeves with scissors and sort of rolled them up. That made the top fit perfectly. I actually love the rolled up look. I like how customizing it didn't require any sewing.

3) In 2018, I wore it with a dark grey pencil skirt and sneakers for a mural exploring day.

6) In 2013, I layered it under a yellow sweater, and a warm puffer plus jeans for a winter look.

THE TROPICAL PRINT SANDALS- I have already linked them up in the first outfit I shared.

THE BELT BAG- I bought in in Borsa shop in Mostar (where I buy most of my bags)


.........ok, I'm getting tired of looking for more featured outfits so let's skip to how I wore it in 2021 with a TARTAN JACKET, SEMI PLEATED SKIRT, POINTY BOOTS.


THE WHITE SHIRT- This was actually a part of my flight attendant uniform that I got to keep and I decorated with by painting on it with textile paints.  See how I styled it under a sweater here.
THE SATIN FLORAL SKIRT- from Ozz brand by local fashion designer Stanka Zovko.
Ozz is a local brand founded and run by fashion designer Stanka Zovko.
If you want to see more outfits featuring items from this brand, you're welcome to check the links below. 

THE BROWN SANDAL PLATFORMS- Check out my last post for 60 something ways to wear them.

Thank you for reading!


  1. You look beautiful, it's hot here too, I wear dresses that I love, sometimes skirts and thin blouses. Regards!

  2. Hello!
    I needed to see and read your post because I have some skirts and you gave some ideas on how to wear them!
    I hope the car is already in good condition, I always get very anxious when I have problems with my car, it's just that where I live there is no public transport so I need to get the car ready to go!
    I also love hats, apart from protecting us from the sun, they make up an outfit in a chic way as you say. As for your outfits, I really liked the colour of your first skirt and the print of the third, I think you have your own style, your own brand, and that's hard to achieve!

    1. The car is a goner, I'm afraid, we'll just have to buy a new one. I don't have much saved up. so it'll probably be a piece of junk again ha ha ha ha. Yes, life without a car is hard.

  3. I find myself wearing skirts in Summer more often, and they are perfect for travelling too, as they can be mixed and matched with different tops. I never thought of wearing a dress tucked into my skirt, so thanks for the idea!
    I've got a pair of Art slingbacks and they're the most comfortable shoes ever!
    Sorry to read that your car broke down, I hope that it wasn't too bad? xxx

    1. I had another pair from Art years ago and they were the most comfortable thing ever.

  4. Beautiful and amazing looks :)


  5. Gorgeous outfits. Really love that satin floral skirt :-D And you made a friend too! I love cats so much. This one looks happy to be with you :-D

    1. I adore cats...and they seem to adore me back:)

  6. Oh, I like the idea of dresses with skirts. I think that's a great way to travel! Good luck on the car situation. We are looking for a good used ones ourselves. It's quite a treasure to find these days, indeed. I do have a few crocheted buckets hats and well and just bucket hats I have for the season. I can't ever seem to find them when I really need them. And although, my MAIN CHARACTER base ball hat hangs on the wall for inspiration..I should wear it some time. Really loved that you enjoyed the French film. It has one my favorite female French Actresses in it. I loved her since THE VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT.

    1. Bucket hats are a great sun protection, too. Better than baseball caps because they cover more.

  7. Oh, these 3 outfits are hot for summer. Love how you paired so many things with the sandals. Hope things get better when you find a car. All the best to your summer adventures, reads and great movies too. Thanks for your review! Thanks for being so inspiring! & thank you for your comments too! All the best to you and your blog!

  8. Genial libro. Lindo atuendo . Te mando un beso.

  9. I love all three outfits! They are all real Ivana classics ;-) You combine the skirts so perfectly and look beautiful in every look. Especially in the heat, it's so comfortable to wear a skirt with a light blouse. I also love the sandals. Not only are they very pretty and feminine, they also look very comfortable.

    Have a wonderful evening!

    1. Thank you dear Nadine! Skirts are perfect for summer.


  10. The turquoise chain with the shirt looks great. I love your style.
    Have a nice evening

    1. I wear it often as I love turquoise.
      Thank you!

  11. Absolutely love these looks, the purple floral skirt with the platform sandals is my fav! Hope you have an amazing summer!

    xoxo, Midori



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