Fashion show Stanka Zovko/ Modna revija Stanke Zovko

Hello readers. Today I'm taking you to a fashion show by local designer Stanka Zovko.  Taking these photographs was so much fun.  I took some interesting photographs back stage as well. It was so interesting watching models prepare for this show. The girls were really professional and nice to be around. They enjoyed posing and it was fun capturing 'behind the scene' photograph. It was a great show. The creations were beautiful. The hair and make up team did a fantastic job as well.  Scroll down to see more. 

This fashion show took place during a fundraising event for a hospital  in Mostar. The models and the designer volunteered their time for this fundraising dinner.  All photos by me.


  1. oh, wow! How cool to be there, I can only imagine. I have never attend such events, too bad( Lovely snapshots, I feel like I saw it with my own eyes)
    Have a fabulous time!

  2. Amazing event to attend to, I'll keep an eye on the next elle awards here :)

  3. Ciao Ivana! Che belle foto! Lo show è stupendo, in più si è svolto durante un evento molto importante come la raccolta fondi . Buonanotte cara, un bacio!:*

  4. Cool fashion show, especially considering that it was in a fundraising :)

  5. woooow thats so impressive and fabulous! i loooove that amazing hairdos!
    happy halloween!

  6. Predivno! Baš si dočarala atmosferu! ;)

  7. So beautiful pieces,Looks like a fantastic fashion show.
    Have a lovely evening!!!

  8. I´m so gald you share this with us, I love when people do this because fashion can not only be clothes, fashion can also helps... Congrats for the great photos =)

  9. Wow! Awesome post!
    Happy weekend!

  10. Wow, so cool :) They look marvellous. Have a great weekend x

  11. Hello Ivana,

    what the fu...??? Just 12 comments??? This great post deserves a lot more!!!

    You did such an amazing job to shot all of these pics. Specially i like the "behind the scene"-pics - with all that make up lay off - this is very interessting stuff.

    Ok, some of these outfit are a little bit on the "fantastic"-side - not really the right thing to wear it on the streets. But these models looks just stunning in some of this clothings.

    On this pic i love the make up that the girls had lay off. And i see a lot´s of leggings on the left. Gosh, the second girl on the right wearing the leggings and heeled sandals from one of your last posts - is this the girl?

    This is also a really cool pic - with all these models, beautiful!!!

    This is a wonderful piece of a leggings - like the transparent look - very unique!!! I would wear this kind of a leggings with a very shiny tights under - i think that would looks really cool.

    On this Pic i see some of the greatest outfits! All these dresses are very my taste - the leggings as well.

    I love it, that you was a part of this great fashion show. I wished i could see you on the catwalk - dressed up in the beautiful clothings on this planet!!!



    1. the number of comment usually depends on the number of blogs one visits....most people just comment if you comment on their blog, so if you don't have time to do that, it can happen that you invest a lot of time in a blog post and almost nobody reads it....but that is blogging. It works that way. We're not like fashion magazines that have regular readers....I don't really mind because I like reading other blogs, I don't do it just to get comments on my blog.

      Thank you for your comment! I really like those sheer leggings too. I think the designer probably made them herself because they match the outfit perfectly. I also really liked all the creations.

      The backstage photographs were fun! Besides the models, on those two photographs below you can also see the make up artists and the model instructor who instructed the other models how to walk. this photo, the two persons who are sitting are the designer, her sister and make up artist. Those who are standing are all models besides the two blonds, one with short blond hair (wearing a short dress and boots with high heels) and the other blonde.... the two of them are hairstylist.

      The girl standing in the middle is a retired model who now works as an instructor for models. She was there to show girls how to walk.

    2. your so right - blogging is not ever easy. you (i) think you had a great post and then came just a few comments - it´s always a shame.

      " this photo, the two persons who are sitting are the designer, her sister and make up artist." - the designer did a really good job - this are amazing outfits. If i was on that fashion show, i would ask the designer to buy the fourth dress from the left and the leggings on the far right - from this pic:

      Do you know, what the price from such a dress and leggings is?

      Thanx for your words!!!

    3. Thank you Jennifer. I don't know about the prices because this show was some time ago so I imagine they were sold already. You can look for her works online and on social media, I'm sure there are prices on her sites.


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