EN Hello! Today I'm happy to share with you a wonderful fashion show I attended last Friday at Mostar International Fair. As you might remember, I regularly visit Mostar International Fair. Anyhow, this time I was there to see and support a really special fashion show. This fashion show showed creations from students who attended a fashion sewing and design course held by designer Stanka Zovko. If you remember, a few years back I attended this sewing and design course myself. I was invited to present my creations as well. I couldn't participate myself this year due to previous engagements, but who knows maybe next year I'll get the chance. How amazing would it be to participate as a fashion designer? Still, I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was just to attend this fashion show and see all the designs. It was such a terrific experience.
HR Zdravo! Danas sa zadovoljstvom mogu podijeliti s vama prekrasnu modnu reviju kojoj sam prisustvovala prošlog petka na Međunarodnom sajmu u Mostaru. Kao što možda znate, redovito posjećujem Mostarski međunarodni sajam. U svakom slučaju, ovaj put sam bila tu da vidim i podržim jednu zaista posebnu modnu reviju. Na ovoj modnoj reviji prikazane su kreacije polaznika koji su pohađali tečaj modnog šivanja i dizajna kod dizajnerice Stanke Zovko. Ako se sjećate, prije nekoliko godina i sama sam pohađala ovaj tečaj šivanja i dizajna. Mene su također pozvali da ušijem i pokažem neku kreaciju za ovu priliku. Nisam mogla sudjelovati zbog obaveza, ali tko zna možda sljedeće godine dobijem priliku. Zar ne bi bilo nevjerojatno sudjelovati kao modni dizajner? Ipak, sigurna sam da možete zamisliti koliko sam bila uzbuđena i samim time što sam prisustvovala ovoj modnoj reviji i vidjela sve dizajne i kreacije. Bilo je to odlično iskustvo.
IT Ciao! Oggi sono molto felice di poter condividere con voi un meraviglioso fashion show di junior designer che ho visto venerdì alla Fiera Internazionale di Mostar. Come forse ricorderete, visito regolarmente la Fiera Internazionale di Mostar. Comunque, questa volta ero lì per vedere e supportare una sfilata davvero speciale. Questa sfilata ha mostrato le creazioni degli studenti che hanno frequentato un corso di moda tenuto dalla designer Stanka Zovko. Se vi ricordate, qualche anno fa ho fatto lo stesso - questo corso di cucito e moda. Non ho potuto partecipare quest'anno a causa di impegni precedenti, ma chissà forse l'anno prossimo ne avrò l'occasione. Quanto sarebbe fantastico partecipare come una stilista? Tuttavia, sono sicura che potete immaginare quanto fossi eccitata solo all'idea di partecipare a questa sfilata di moda e vedere tutti i modelli.:)
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*with fashion designer Stanka Zovko |
As I explained, the designs were created and made by the ladies who took design and sewing course held by Stanka Zovko. The models who walked the show were either the junior designers themselves or the models from Stanka Zovko's Ozz modelling school. It was hard to notice the difference between the models and the aspiring designers (i.e. girls who took the course) because in this region most girls look like models anyway. Herzegovian women are known to be exceptionally beautiful. :)
Naturally, I expected the designs to be creative and beautiful, but I didn't expect such haute couture moments. The orange dress in particular took my breath away. It was wonderfully fun being able to see the designs and the girls wearing them. The fashion show of aspiring designers was a triumph, I loved it. I'm so happy it all went well! I had a wonderful time taking this fashion sewing course, so seeing this show brought back lovely memories. Moreover, this is so inspiring for all of us who might join in next year. Fingers crossed.
Kako sam objasnila, dizajne su kreirale i izradile dame koje su pohađale tečaj dizajna i šivanja kreatorice Stanka Zovko. Manekenke koje su prošetale revijom bile su ili same dizajnerice (koje su nosile svoje kreacije) ili manekenke iz škole manekenstva Stanke Zovko. Bilo je teško uočiti razliku između modela i dizajnera (tj. djevojaka koje su pohađale tečaj) jer u ovoj regiji većina ionako izgleda kao manekenke. Poznato je da su Hercegovke izuzetno lijepe žene. :)
Naravno, očekivala sam da će dizajni biti kreativni i lijepi, ali nisam očekivala takve haute couture trenutke. Posebno mi je zastala dah od duge narančaste haljine zanimljive i neobične strukture. Bilo je predivno i zabavno vidjeti dizajne i djevojke koje ih nose. Revija polaznica tečaja modnog šivanja bila je trijumf. Tako sam sretna što je sve dobro prošlo i što sam je mogla pogledati. Divno sam se provela na tečaju modnog šivanja pa mi je gledanje ove revije vratilo lijepe uspomene. Štoviše, ovo je tako inspirativno za sve nas koji bismo se mogli pridružiti sljedeće godine. Nadam se da ću i ja biti tu iduće godine.
The fashion sewing graduates who presented their creations are:
Djevojke koje su završile tečaj modnoj šivanja te pokazale svoje kreacije su:
1. Ana Kraljević
2. Ana Ravić
3. Anđela Miletić (instagram: la_raso)
4. Gabrijela Dugandžić (instagram: g.duganzic)
5. Katarina Tomić (instagram: LAURATO.official)
6. Lucija Lasić
7. Marija Rašić
8. Martina Miličević, MMdesign (instagram: _olesing_mm)
9. Matija Čutura (instagram: Matija Cutura)
Some of these designers already have their little businesses!
Neke od polaznica već imaju svoje obrte i poslove.
The models were from: THE SCHOOL OF MODELLING AND ETIQUETTE : @ozz_modeling
Manekenke su polaznice: ŠKOLE MANEKENSTVA I LIJEPOG PONAŠANJA: @ozz_modeling
Naturally I wore a lilac dress and a lilac polka dot skirt from Ozz brand by Stanka Zovko! Besides this combo, I also wore a vintage pink cardi and a vintage white blazer, a necklace that I designed and made myself, a black belt bat and a pair of caramel boots. If it had been warmer, I would have worn tights and sandals, but alas it was raining and fresh, so I had to wear thermal leggings. I think the black leggings and bag didn't stand out too much against this white and lilac combo and that they matched my black necklace. What do you guys think?
Naravno da sam nosila lila haljinu i suknju s potpisom brenda Ozz Stanke Zovko! Osim ta dva komada, nosila sam i vintage rozi džemper i blajzer kao i ogrlicu koju sam sama dizajnirala i ušila, crnu torbicu s remen ručkom i par čizama u karamel boji. Da je bilo toplije, obukla bi najlonke, ali kako je bilo hladno i padala je kiša, obukla sam tople crne tajice. Nadam se da nisu previše odudarale od bijelo-lila kombinacije i da su se slagale s mojom crnom ogrlicom i torbicom. Što vi mislite?
I will also leave you with links to the press reports about this event.
Iznad možete vidjeti poveznice s medijskim člancima na ovu temu.
Thank you for reading/Hvala na čitanju!
Amazing post! You look so beautiful, like a model :) Best regards for all of you, including Stanka Zovko too :)
DeleteHow absolutely thrilling to be able to attend this fashion show. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be able to participate next year. How amazing would that be?
ReplyDeleteI've once attended a fashion show by the students of the Antwerp fashion academy, which was quite exciting, especially as this is an internationally acclaimed academy.
As for your outfit, you look absolutely stunning Ivana! xxx
I bet that was an amazing experience!
DeleteAwesome! What a beautiful fashion show! I am sure it was so inspiring. I love the lavender and pinks that you wore too! Such an exciting time and I'm glad you posted about it ❤️
DeleteOh, what a thrill! So great to see these unique designs. I so love that RED DRESS! And to meet the designer too. You looked smashing! Are you sure you weren't in the show? You should have been. Such fantastic photos. All the best to the art inspiration that comes from the fashion show! All the best to your creativity!
ReplyDeleteMaybe some day;)
DeleteMe alegra que hayas ido y lo hayas pasado bien. Tu look es genial adoro el conjunto que llevas puesto. Te mando un beso.
DeleteYou look fantastic, and the event sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you will be able to attend next year.
DeleteHi! What a beautiful experience to see the clothes designed by your friend's students! And did you take the course? But what great news! I think you can be very successful, you draw so well and are very creative, I hope you can participate next year!
ReplyDeletePS: the orange dress is beautiful! So are you!
DeleteMa che bello Ivana!!! Deve esser stato un evento davvero divenrtente e pieno di energia!
ReplyDeleteRicordo quando partecipai alle sfilate dell'accademia di moda che ho frequentato e mi piaceva un sacco! Si sentiva proprio l'entusiamo e l'energia creativa di tutti i giovani aspiranti designer che partecipavano!
L'abito rosso è il mio preferito tra questi: davvero delizioso!
e tu super bella con quel vestito lilla, ti sta un incanto quel colore!
DeleteYour legging go well with your outfit. The designers are really something to applauded. Their designs are magnificent. Bravo to all and how cool you got to meet the designer as well! I hope you had a great weekend : )
DeleteOh my gosh, how fun does that look? I love going to fashion shows, and they never have any here! I knew you'd wear your lavender set - I think your outfit is fabulous, Ivana.
DeleteI love your layered outfit - the colours are so beautiful together and I really like that lilac on you! it's nice you got to enjoy the show - looks of cute designs! And it's exciting to think you may be able to have designs featured there next time too!
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a good week. We are enjoying the Easter school holidays :)
Away From The Blue
DeleteNow this is the kind of thing that is so fun to attend. What a great time, and I just adore that lilac outfit. The black contrasts great with it, and wouldn't that be so cool to be part of it next year??
DeleteHow exciting to attend this fashion show and I love how they have a show for the students after the course, I think that really helps the students to feel like they are accomplishing something seeing their work walk the runway. And LOVE what you are wearing, and this is always next year!
ReplyDeleteAllie of
DeleteYou look every inch the supermodel in your lavender co-ord, Ivana! What a wonderful show and a fantastic way of encouraging up and coming designers. xxx
DeleteInteresting! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!
DeleteI would love to enroll in a class like this. I have a sewing machine but my skills are not enough to create an outfit yet.
Yes, a class like this one is very useful.
DeleteDrago mi je da si uživala na modnoj reviji, sigurna sam da je bilo sjajno iskustvo! <3
Bilo je lijepo.
DeleteNice outfits ❤
DeleteSuch a great event and beautiful designs!
ReplyDeleteI also like your outfit, you look absolutely gorgeous!
DeleteA fashion show, how fun! So exciting and inspiring to see looks coming down the runway. I love how the outfit you wore was cozy but also worked in some pretty spring colors!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting into some spring-inspired fashion in my new post and would love your thoughts!
Thanks Ashley.
DeleteWhat a beautiful Fashion show Dear friend! I am sure you draw all these outfits on papers. By the way your outfit looks great for the spring season. Greetings.
ReplyDeleteYes, I might draw these looks.:)
DeleteOh, you saw great fashion show! I remembered you attended the design course, and Stanka Zovko and your photo is really gorgeous!! Your outfit is so beautiful and perfect layering, Ivana<3
You have a great memory Akiko. Thank you for your kind comment.
Deletewonderful post
DeleteHow nice that you got to attend this fashion show featuring upcoming young talents. Your Stanka Zokvo outfit is absolutely perfect for Spring. I'm loving the pastels.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I love this pastel look too.
DeleteI am really happy that you got attend this fashion show! I love your lilac pieces so much! Have a lovely weekend!
ReplyDeletePerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com