Happy Friday! Today I'm back with another FASHION ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY post.  This pretty regular feature on my blog is all about visual art and fashion. I don't typically post every Friday, though. In fact, it's been a while since I've shared one of my fashion illustrations.  The reason why I haven't been posting my fashion illustration is because I've been more focused on painting landscapes (mostly seascapes).  Throughout this year I have been investing a lot of energy and time into painting the seaside (and sea in particular). I don't think that will change any time soon. Nevertheless, yesterday I managed to steal some time to make some fast fashion illustrations.  

While I was shopping for art supplies the other day, I remembered to pick up some Steadler (not sponsored) watercolour pencils I used in the past. If I hadn't, I probably would have thought of making these fashion sketches. As you might remember, I often use watercolour pencils when I want to make fashion illustrations or sketches quickly. I used a 'no name' sketchbook and I didn't really spend a lot of time on these fashion sketches. However, it was nice to get back to fashion illustrating, even if just for a second.  All of these sketches were inspired by one runaway show. While I was browsing runaway shows online yesterday, I got inspired and decided to quickly illustrate a few looks from Gucci Spring 2022 Read-to-Wear collection.

Sretan petak! Danas se vraćam s još jednom objavom u rubrici MODNE ILUSTRACIJE PETKOM. Ova prilično redovita rubrika na mom blogu posvećena je vizualnoj umjetnosti i modi. Ipak, obično ne objavljujem svaki petak. Zapravo, prošlo je dosta vremena otkako sam podijelila jednu od svojih modnih ilustracija. Razlog zašto nisam objavila svoju modnu ilustraciju već neko vrijeme je taj što sam se više usmjerila na slikanje krajolika (uglavnom morskih pejzaža). Tijekom cijele godine ulagala sam puno energije i vremena u slikavanje morske obale (a posebno mora). Mislim da se to neće uskoro promijeniti. Ipak, jučer sam uspjela ukrasti malo vremena pa sam napravila par brznih modnih ilustracija.

Dok sam neki dan kupovala umjetnički pribor, sjetila sam se uzeti par pakiranja Steadler (nije sponzoriranp nažalost) akvarel olovke koje sam koristila u prošlosti. Da nisam, vjerojatno  mi ne bi palo na pamet napraviti ove modne skice. Kao što se možda sjećate, često koristim akvarel olovke kada želim brzo napraviti brzinske modne ilustracije ili skice. Koristila sam neki 'nemarkirani' blok sa crtanje i nisam baš utrošila puno vremena na ove modne skice. Međutim, bilo je lijepo vratiti se modnom ilustriranju, makar samo na trenutak. Sve ove ilustracije nadahnute su jednom modnom revijom. Dok sam jučer pregledavala revije na internetu, dobila sam nadahnuće za crtanje i odlučila na brzinu ilustrirati nekoliko lookova iz kolekcije Gucci proljeće 2022 Read-to-Wear.

What to say about Gucci's Spring Ready to wear 2022 collection? There seems to be bit of everything in it as far as trends go. If there is something connecting all of these pieces, some common motif that ties it all up, I didn't see it. It is a fun and pretty collection, but nothing groundbreaking in terms of design. I  just didn't see anything particularly original about this collection, but I guess it is hard to be always original in fashion. After looking at this collection twice, a few trends stayed with me: seventies inspired trends and cuts (particularly when it comes to suits), cowboy accessories, platform heels and sexy tights (for women), corsets worn over clothes (the whole lingerie worn as regular clothes thing). Despite the collection being as colourful, patterned and shiny as you might expect a  collection Gucci to be, there were quite a few solid black looks on the runaway. 

Što reći o Guccijevoj proljetnoj kolekciji (Ready to wear varijanta) za 2022.godinu? Čini se da u njemu ima svega po malo što se tiče trendova. Ako postoji nešto što povezuje sve te komade, neki zajednički motiv koji sve veže, ja to nisam uspjela vidjeti. To je zabavna i lijepa kolekcija, ali ništa revolucionarno u smislu dizajna. Jednostavno rečeno, u ovoj kolekciji nisam vidjela ništa posebno originalno, ali pretpostavljam da je teško biti uvijek originalan u modi. Nakon što sam dvaput pogledala ovu kolekciju, ostalo mi je nekoliko trendova u glavi: trendovi i krojevi inspirirani sedamdesetima (osobito kada su u pitanju odijela), kaubojski dodaci, štikle na platformu i atraktivne najlonke(za žene), korzeti koji se nose preko odjeće (to je taj trend nošenja donjeg rublja kao obične odjeće). Unatoč tome što je kolekcija bila šarena, s uzorcima i sjajna kao što biste očekivali od kolekcija Gucci, bilo je dosta potpuno crnih kombinacija na pisti.

I sketched four runaway looks from this collection: the 1st, the 11th, the 16th and 86th look. There were more runaway looks I liked from this Gucci collection, but these four drew my eyes the most. Plus, they seem fun to sketch. 

Skicirala sam četiri dizajna iz ove kolekcije: 1., 11., 16. i 86. kombinaciju. Bilo je još kombinacija koje su mi se svidjele iz ove Gucci kolekcije, ali ova četiri su mi najviše privukla pogled. Osim toga, izgledale su mi zabavne za skiciranje.

What I liked most about this first look is that it is very wearable. I like the pastel yellow cardigan with the light blue faux fur. I always liked faux fur. The rest of this look is all black. I do like the bellow the knee length of this item. The black accessories (a pair of funky sunglasses, a shoulder bag, a pair of fishnet tights and  extremely high platform heels) were cool as well. I saw a lot of these very high platform heels in this collection. 
Ono što mi se najviše svidjelo u ovom prvom dizajnu je to što je vrlo nosiv. Sviđa mi se pastelno žuti kardigan sa svijetloplavim umjetnim krznom. Uvijek sam voljela umjetno krzno. Ostatak ovog izgleda je sav crn. Sviđa mi se dužina ispod koljena. Crni modni dodaci (par funky sunčanih naočala, torba na ramenu, par mrežastih tajica i iznimno visoke platfrma potpetice ) također su bili cool. U ovoj kolekciji sam vidjela puno ovih potpetica s vrlo visokim petom, izgleda da su platforme opet u modi.

What I love about this look is that it makes me think of Morticia Addams (from Addams family). This is a stunning black gown for sure. The lace sleeves are beautiful and I've always loved a mermaid cut. The bold V cut is certainly dramatic, but not very practical.  Unless you're an A cup, I don't see how this cleavage would possibly work without making some alterations. Still, it was fun to illustrate. 
Ono što volim kod ovog dizajna je to što me podsjeća  na Morticiju Addams (iz obitelji Addams). Ovo je stvarno predivna crna haljina. Čipkasti rukavi su prekrasni i oduvijek sam voljela kroj sirene. Podebljani V kroj je svakako dramatičan, ali ne baš praktičan. Osim ako ne nosite A košaricu, ne vidim kako bi ovaj dekolte mogao funkcionirati bez nekih izmjena i dodatnih potpora. Ipak, bilo ga  je zabavno ilustrirati.

I love the idea of wearing this look #16 under an outfit. This lovely dress doesn't look like a dress to me, it basically  looks like an undergarment, doesn't it? I know that lingerie inspired outfits are trendy now, but this looks like real lingerie. Still, if someone has the confidence to wear it, why not? I also love the blue stockings.  I've been wearing similar shade of tights a lot lately. It's fun to add some colour into our outfits with stockings and tights.  Anyway, I can think of a lot of ways I would like to layer this Gucci look #16. Wouldn't it look just amazing paired with a pencil skirt and a blazer on top? That would be such a killer outfit. 
Sviđa mi se ideja da ovaj look #16 nosim ispod odjeće. Ova ljupka haljina mi ne sliči na haljinu, u biti izgleda kao negliže, zar ne? Znam da su odjevne kombinacije inspirirane donjim rubljem sada u trendu, ali ovo stvarno izgleda kao negliže. Ipak, ako ga netko ima samopouzdanja nositi, zašto ne? Sviđaju mi se i plave  samostojeće/halter čarape. U posljednje vrijeme često nosim najlonke slične nijanse plave. Zabavno je dodati malo boje u našu garderobu s čarapama i tajicama u bojama. U svakom slučaju, mogu se sjetiti puno načina na koje bih htjela primjeniti slojevito odijevanje na ovaj Gucci look #16. Ne bi li izgledao jednostavno nevjerojatno u kombinaciji sa suknjom penkala kroja i blejzerom? To bi bila takva ubojita kombinacija.

This botanical print maxi dress with lace details is my favourite piece in this collection. The pattern on this dress is so pretty with the big leaves and flowers. The colours are wonderful as well. This whole look #86  is super wearable and pretty. From the snake boots up, it is a stunning look. The big bag looks super practical. Plus, the model is very pretty. 
Ova maxi haljina s botaničkim printom s detaljima od čipke moj je omiljeni komad u ovoj kolekciji. Uzorak na ovoj haljini je tako lijep s velikim lišćem i cvijećem. Boje su također divne. Cijeli ovaj look #86 je baš nosiv i lijep. Od zmijskih čizama naviše, to je divna kombinacija.  Čak i velika torba izgleda super praktično. Osim toga, manekenka je veoma lijepa.


One of my post in this category was all about painting on hardboard.  Before that I re-imagined my magenta coat as a dress and illustrated it that way in this post. I also illustrated a forest a little bit. Sometimes I like to make the location a part of my fashion illustration. You can also peak into my recent sketches in this sketchbook art post.  You can find even more illustrations from my sketchbook here

That would be all for today. Have a great weekend! To je sve za danas. Ugodan vikend svima želim!


  1. hi
    As for the black dress, I think it must be difficult to wear! It really looks more like lingerie than a dress, it's very daring, not just any woman can wear this dress! The coat with the faux fur collar is also very cute! I like to see the corsets over clothes!
    The floral dress is beautiful but not a surprise! Your illustrations are really amazing!

  2. I must say, that Gucci collection definitely isn't for me! I don't really like any of the pieces except that floral dress which is your favourite- THAT is lovely (and perhaps the blue fur collar coat) but all the rest are not my cup of tea, especially that black dress!
    Your illustrations, however, on hardboard, are excellent- I love what you did with them!

  3. Your illustrations look amazing Ivana!

  4. Me gusta el vestido negro Te mando un beso

  5. Very nice illustrations Ivana! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks 

  6. The drawings are so beautiful. I also liked the outfits you picked as an inspiration. I think my favourite one is the black one.

  7. Excellent illustrations, Ivana! I wonder which celebrity will be the first to wear that black dress to an awards ceremony? It isn't a dress for wearing to the town centre pub, is it? xxx

    1. I wonder that too. I also wonder will they make some alterations to this dress, that cleavage doesn't look practical.

  8. These are such fun looks to illustrate! I love that floral dress and how you illustrated it as well, it's so colourful :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend! I had a fun day of shopping today!

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

  9. Gucci is gucci :D The drawings are fantastic :)

  10. With the movie on the Oscar radar, I suppose this is their year..or next! Love your inspiration. Of course, I wouldn't wear any of these. Not even the one with ruffles. I do enjoy seeing your illustrations. Such fun. Actually, I like your fashion perspective of perhaps the 'nostalgia" of Gucci.

    1. Yes, I think Gucci will benefit financially from that movie.

  11. A friend went to see this movie and I am not sure if she enjoyed it completely. I guess this collection shows the best of Gucci. I like the dresses you chose. Very cool. Thanks so much for the post.

  12. I loved Gucci 2022 spring:) thanks for your sharing...

  13. It's lovely to once again see some of your wonderful fashion illustrations, and you really did those Gucci runway looks proud. That black dress is a stunner, isn't it? xxx

  14. It's so great to see your fashion illustrations again! This Gucci Spring collection does indeed seem to run across the board in terms of style which is nice though it looks quite bold in general. The pieces you chose to illustrate all really stand out in their own way. The botanical print maxi dress with lace details is my favourite piece as well.

  15. I like the outfits you picked to illustrate, Ivana! That blue fur collar matches those tights - I imagine the "underwear" look underneath that first look, as you mention. You might be able to get away with that black Morticia (lol, love that) dress with a lot of fashion tape on your boobs, ha ha! The final dress is very much a Vampire's Wife dress (they're having a very big moment this past year with granny-style dresses like this).

    1. Yes, one would need fashion tape to rock this one- either that or some other type of alteration to avoid indiscretion. :)
      Granny dresses can be very charming.


  16. I love your Fashion illustrations Friday series!! Those illustrations are so beautiful! I didn't see the Gucci collection, so I just watched it. It was exciting to see the dresses you sketched! I totally agree with your idea about #16. A pencil skirt and blazer go well with the lingerie dress!


  17. Great art work of the fashions :-D

  18. I actually really like this collection and loved your illustrations! You capture the feeling of the outfit so well.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

    1. I have mixed feelings about it myself but there are some great designs in it...and sketching these looks was very fun.


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