Today I shall take you along with me to one of most inspiring places in vicinity of Split city. Klis Fortress offers one of the best panoramas of Split city and its archipelago. That alone is a reason enough to visit it. I do love a good bird eye view. I read somewhere that being on elevated places is helpful in fighting bad moods and depression. Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but I certainly feel better on elevated places, especially those with gorgeous views. I'm the opposite of those people who are afraid of heights and flying, I must have been a bird in my previous life. I love nothing better than a beautiful panorama and this fortress promises just that- an amazingly beautiful panorama. However, even without the spectacular views the Klis fortress itself would be worth a visit. This beautiful historical fortress has a rich history. As a history lover, I immensely enjoyed it. We visited it back in October, but it took me a while to publish this post because well travel post often take some time to write. As for the fashion aspect of this post, I wore a comfy outfit suitable for this cultural sightseeing. Who says comfy outfit can't be cute? All the photographs were taken by my husband, apart from the one was taken by my brother. As usual, I did the editing. I often make collages because I feel that might make my post easier to scroll. Does it? Speaking of scrolling, scroll down to see more.
Zdravo, zdravo "lipi moji". Danas vam vodim u posjet tvrđavi Klis, mjesto na kojem svaki ljubitelj ljepote i povijesti može pronaći nadahnuće. Doista tvrđava Klis nudi jedan od naljepših pogleda na grad Split i splitski arhipelag. Dovoljan razlog da posjetite Klis. Volim pogled iz ptičje perspektive. Negdje pročitah kako boravak na povišenim mjestima pomaže u borbi protiv lošeg raspoloženja i depresije. Možda se to ne odnosi na sve, ali osobno se svakako bolje osjećam na povišenim mjestima, posebno onima s prekrasnim pogledom. Ja sam suprotnost onim ljudima koji se boje visine i letenja, sigurno sam bila ptica u prijašnjem životu. Ništa bolje od prekrasne panorame, a ova tvrđava obećava upravo to - nevjerojatno lijepu panoramu. No, i bez spektakularnih pogleda, tvđavu/utvrdu Klis vrijedilo bi posjetiti. Ova prekrasna povijesna tvrđava ima bogatu povijest. Kao ljubitelj povijesti, neizmjerno uživah. Posjetili smo tvrđavu još u listopadu, ali mi je trebalo neko vrijeme da objavim ovu objavu jer je često potrebno neko vrijeme za pisanje objava putopisnog tipa. Što se tiče modnog aspekta ove objave, nosila sam udobnu odjeću prikladnu za ovo kulturno razgledavanje. Tko kaže da udobna odjeća ne može biti ujedno i slatka? Sve fotografije je uslikao moj muž, osim one koju je snimio moj brat. Kao i obično, malo sam i doradila praveći kolaže. Često radim kolaže jer smatram da bi to moglo olakšati čitanje moje objave to jest da izbjegnem preveliki broj slika. Je li to dobro, što vi mislite? Govoreći o čitanju, spuštajte se niz stranicu kako biste vidjeli i pročitali više.


Overlooking Split city, this ancient fortress is rich in history. Throughout centuries, Klis fortress has been a guardian angel for Split city. This medieval fortress started its life as a stronghold for an ancient Ilyrian tribe Dalmatea. Its importance for Split city and Dalmatia region as a whole cannot be stressed enough. This fortress has protected us for many centuries, keeping us safe from many invaders. One could perhaps go so far as to say that this fortress was crucial for the urban development of Split city.
Danas vas vodim sa sobom u veličanstvenu tvrđavu Klis. Ova drevna tvrđava s pogledom na grad Split bogata je poviješću. Tvrđava Klis je kroz stoljeća bila anđeo čuvar grada Splita. Ova je srednjovjekovna tvrđava započela svoj život kao uporište za drevno ilirsko pleme Dalmata. O njegovoj važnosti za grad Split i cijelu Dalmaciju ne može se reći dovoljno. Ova tvrđava nas je štitila stoljećima, osigurala nam sigurnost unatoč brojnim napadima osvajača. Možda bi se čak moglo i ići tako daleko pa reći da je ta tvrđava bila ključna za urbani razvoj grada Splita.
Klis fortress may have begun its life as a small stronghold of an Illyrian tribe, but throughout the centuries it rose in importance. Indeed, Klis fortress became a royal castle and the seat of numerous Croatian kings. From there on, the fortress grew in importance and size until it became a large and powerful fortress, a force to be reckoned with. During the many centuries when wars and raids were a common occurrence in Europe, Klis fortress has proven its virtue many times, saving the civilian population of sure death or a fate even worse: enslavement. It is easy to understand why so many songs and works of literature have referenced this fortress and were devoted to it.
Tvrđava Klis možda je započela svoj život kao malo uporište ilirskog plemena, ali kroz stoljeća je dobivala na važnosti. Doista, tvrđava Klis postala je kraljevski dvorac i sjedište brojnih hrvatskih kraljeva. Odatle je tvrđava dobivala na značaju i veličini sve dok nije postala velika i moćna obrambena tvrđava, prava sila o kojoj se moralo voditi računa. Tijekom mnogih stoljeća kada su ratovi i napadi bili uobičajena pojava u Europi, tvrđava Klis je više puta dokazala svoju važnost, spasivši civilno stanovništvo od sigurne smrti ili sudbine još gore: porobljavanja. Lako je razumjeti zašto toliko pjesama i književnih djela spominju ovu tvrđavu ili su joj posvećena.
Klis fortress appeared in a documentary film
Croatian Kings that was available (not sure if it is still available) on Viasat History Channel. There is also a documentary series
The Age of Uskoks devoted to defenders of Klis, known as Uskoks. Both of these I can recommend!
Tvrđava Klis pojavila se u dokumentarnom filmu Hrvatski kraljevi koji je bio dostupan (nije sigurno je li još dostupan) na Viasat History Channel, a ako živite u Hrvatskoj možete ga jednostavno pogledati preko službene stranice HRT-a, samo se trebate prijaviti preko epošte (emaila). Postoji i dokumentarna serija Doba Uskoka posvećena braniteljima Klisa i svim Uskocima. Preporučavam svima pogledati ove dokumentarne serije.
If you are able to do so, I would recommend scheduling your arrival during one of the historical fairs and events. If you can't (we didn't either), you can visit the museum inside the fortress itself. There is no charge for visiting the outside of the fortress, so you can enjoy the views free of charge. However, if you want to venture inside the fortress to visit the museum and the church inside, there is a small fee that you need to pay. We didn't pay the fee on neither of our two visits. We will pay for the entrance inside the fortress when we are sure we will have enough time to really look around.
Ako možete, preporučila bih vam planiranje vašeg dolaska tijekom nekog od povijesnih sajmova i događaja. Ako ne možete (nismo ni mi), možete posjetiti muzej unutar same tvrđave. Posjete izvan unutrašnjosti same tvrđave se ne plaćaju, slobodno možete šetati okolo. U biti možete besplatno uživati u pogledima i razgledati tvrđavu izvana. Međutim, ako želite ući u tvrđavu kako biste posjetili muzej i crkvu unutar, postoji mala naknada koju trebate platiti. Mi je nismo platili i nismo ulazili unutra tijekom nijedna od ova dva posjeta. Ostavili smo to za nek buduće vrijeme kada ćemo biti sigurni da ćemo imati dovoljno vremena.

I have visited this place and blogged about it last year as well. Naturally, I visited it in passing a few times in the past. Before the new road was build, you had to drive near Klis fortress to get to Split. I remember my parents would stop their car to enjoy the view a couple of times when I was a kid. However, it is only in the recent years that I decided to explore this fortress more. I enjoyed the exploring very much as you can see.
B) ILLUSTRATED THE OUTFIT I WORE FOR THAT VISIT (SEE MORE HERE)The medium for this fashion illustration is watercolour pencils and ballpoint pen on paper. The art brands (watercolour pencils and sketch-block) used are the same as in this post. You can buy most of my fashion illustrations here: C) AGAIN WORN THE SAME LONG SCARF AS A BELT (HERE) Was it intentional or not? I'm not even sure. Maybe it was intentional, maybe I remember how I liked seeing the wind play with this scarf and maybe it was just a coincidence.
Do you enjoy visiting fortresses? Are you a history lover? If the answer is yes, then you can find more links for you bellow:
Quotation taken from
official site of Klis fortress, feel free to visit it to read more and learn its full history:
"It was built on an extraordinary strategic location that allows military and commercial control over the whole Klis valley and the area of Salona and Split. Because of its importance, Klis was often referred to as the key to Dalmatia and the heart of the medieval Croatian kingdom.The findings from the Krčina cave are the first traces of the settlement of the area around Klis fortress. It is a ceramic pottery in which different forms are imprinted before the baking from which the name Impresso culture is derived, and it lasts from 6000 to 4500 BC on the Adriatic coast. Today we do not know much about the population of those times, but there is a possibility that there were first traces of agriculture in the Adriatic coast.
...Fortress Klis had its last major role in the military sense during the War of Candia between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire. Many bloody battles for the fortress were fought, which in the end fell into the hands of the Venetian army in which many Croatians were conscripted. From that point on, Klis will no longer see larger military action beneath its walls – it remains in Venetian hands until 1797 when it comes under the French rule. By the fall of the First French Empire fortress became part of the Habsburg Monarchy, and with its abolishment it shared the fate of Croatian territories until 1990, when the flag of Republic of Croatia was flown over it."
Citat preuzet sa službenih stranica Tvrđave Klis, gdje možete pročitati više o njenoj povijesti:
"....Zbog svoje važnosti Klis se često nazivao ključem Dalmacije i srcem srednjovjekovnog Hrvatskog kraljevstva. Prvi tragovi naseljenosti područja oko Kliške tvrđave datiraju u mlađe kameno doba na što ukazuju arheološki nalazi iz spilje Krčina koje se povezuje s impresso kulturom. Radi se o prvoj neolitičkoj kulturi na Jadranu koja traje od 6000. do 4500. g. pr. Kr., a karakterizira ju proizvodnja keramičkog posuđa u koje su prije pečenja utisnuti različiti oblici. O tadašnjem stanovništvu ovog područja danas ne znamo puno, ali arheološki nalazi upućuju kako u kasnijim fazama impresso kulture dolazi do pojave poljoprivrede na jadranskom priobalnom području......
Svoju zadnju veću ulogu u vojnom smislu Tvrđava Klis odigrala je za vrijeme Kandijskog rata između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva. Tada su se vodile velike bitke za tvrđavu koja je u konačnici ipak pala u ruke mletačke vojske pod čijim se stjegovima borilo i mnoštvo Hrvata. Od tog trenutka Klis više neće vidjeti veće vojne akcije pod svojim zidinama – u mletačkim rukama ostaje do 1797. godine kada dolazi pod francusku vlast. Padom Napoleona tvrđava postaje dio Habsburške monarhije, a ukidanjem iste dijeli sudbinu hrvatskih prostora sve do 1990. godine kada je na njoj razvijen stijeg Republike Hrvatske."


THE STORY OF MY OUTFIT - HOW I WORE THESE ITEMS BEFORE? Once again, I shopped my closet for this look. Not just because I'm a sustainable kind of gal, but because I genuinely enjoy shopping my closet.
THE FLORAL SHIRT- here, here, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE (AND if that is not enough inspiration for you see also here, here , here and here.)
THE DENIM SKIRT- 20 ways to style this denim skirt here, also here.
THE LONG COLOURFUL SCARF- You can find quite a few ways to style it in this post, plus here.
THE DRIVING LOAFERS here and here. If that is not enough, see how I styled them here, here and here.
THE MINI CROSS OVER BAG- here and here.

As always, thank you for visiting and stopping by. Have a nice day! Hvala na posjeti, želim vam ugodan dan!
Bello lugar, me gusta tu look . Te mando un beso
DeleteThat looks like a beautiful spot - what a great view! I really like the scarf around your waist too!
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those people scared of heights though, hah! I Wouldn't be sitting on that ledge!
Hope that you are having a good weekend :) We were out at the park enjoying the sunshine today!
Away From The Blue
DeleteSo wonderful to read of the country's rich history. Lovely view! Awesome outfit too. So glad you guys could visit the site. Thanks so much. Love your artwork too. As always, thanks for visiting my blog. All the best to lots of adventures and creativity this November!
ReplyDeletethank you
DeleteA beautiful post indeed! Such a unique and historical place. Such a great travel outfit too. Wonderful look! Great to see your portrait in action too! Thanks so much for your comments. All the best in your creativity and health.
DeleteWhat a cool place. Nice outfit, too.
DeleteYou are beautiful, and Klis Fortress is fascinating. Thank you for sharing with us both the pictures and the text :)
DeleteSuch lovely photos, you make such an attractive couple and your outfit is very pretty!
ReplyDeleteYou know how much I love historical places so Klis Fortress really appeals to me. xxxx
yes, I know you love history too.
DeleteWow, I like photos and your look! Very nice ♥
ReplyDeleteShkvo Space | Instagram
DeleteChe panorama meraviglioso e che bella questa fortezza!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
DeleteWhat an amazing place Klis fortress is, Ivana, and the view is simply magnificent.
ReplyDeleteI've been admiring your outfit too, I do love the versatility of a good denim skirt. And it's always lovely to see photos of you and your husband. A travel post does indeed take its time to write! Wishing you a great evening and Sunday, Ivana xxx
It is nice when the two of us are able to visit the places we enjoy. This time we were joined by my brother, so we have more 'together' photos.
DeleteYes, it takes time but it is enjoyable. Thank you.
As always, you live in such a beautiful place, Ivana! Great to see you - I love your illustration. :)
ReplyDeleteI have not been able to comment as much as I usually do - life is taking up much more of my mental time and actual time - but I have been reading. Big hugs to you, my friend.
I understand. Life can get that busy.
DeleteI love these tours along with you Ivana. There is so much history there and we always like doing those things on our exploration days.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more that casual can still be cute. And you always showcase that so fabulously,
Thanks Jodie:).
DeleteThe views from Klis Fortress are indeed magnificent! It looks like a picture postcard. And it's cool that site has so much amazing history as well.
ReplyDeleteyes, it is a cool place to visit.
DeleteAh, I really would like to visit this, even though I am not one of those height-lovers! I love hearing about the history too! Your outfit is really pretty and bonus that it is comfy! I liked your painting outfit from the previous visit too!x
ReplyDeleteThank you. History is always fascinating.
DeleteHello Ivana!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Klis Fortress , but thanks as usual for giving us a virtual tour with you around this place. It truly looks like a postcard and it is incredible to discover the history and the past and all the lives that have been through this place before us! And as you I tend to think that high places can help us to reduce stress since we see life and cities from a different perspective, feeling the fresh air and seeing that after all we are all tiny pieces in the universe :)
I also liked the fashion proposal in this blogpost (and the previous one with an illustrated look in purple tones). Ideal for a walk but also perfect to look stylish in the souvenir photo :)
DeleteI always enjoy your travel posts. Thank you for sharing the lovely places you visit and the history behind them.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a wonderful place to visit.
Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style
DeleteI loved the views of Split city! And you look so slim hope you are fine now!
My illness has gotten worse, I'm really struggling these days.