Hello! If you want to see an original winter chic fashion illustration, you have certainly come to the right place. We're continuing with the posting of original art on this digital place to call my own. In this post, I'll share a new fashion illustration of mine. This fashion illustration is all about winter chic. This illustrated outfit is another example of shopping my closet, for this styling features some of my closet's cold weather essentials such as:  the long beige puffer coat and knit beanie.  I wore this winter outfit back in November for a visit to Goranci village (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Yes, last November. That's the last and the only time we saw snow this winter. It didn't snow in Mostar this year (or last), but as I said, last November there was some snow in the area ( not in Mostar city itself but  in Goranci village). As Goranci is only a five minute drive from Mostar, naturally we had to take this chance to experience snow- and that is where we went. I was so happy to see and enjoy the snow. I know that those of you who live in snowy regions (where it snows six months a year)  must be sick of snow, but for us Mediterranean folk it's an event in itself and a fun change. Scroll down to see and read more.

Zdravo! Želite li vidjeti originalnu modnu ilustraciju u zimskom stilu, svakako ste došli na pravo mjesto. Nastavljamo s objavljivanjem originalne umjetnosti na ovom digitalnom mjestu koje nazivam svojim. U ovom postu ću podijelit sa vama svoju novu modnu ilustraciju. Ova modna ilustracija posve je u zimskom šiku. Ova ilustrirana odjeća još je jedan primjer kupovine mog ormara, jer ova kombinacija sadrži neke od osnovnih komada za hladno vrijeme iz moga ormara  kao što su: dugi bež napuhanko  kaput i pletena kapa. Ovu zimsku odjevnu kombinaciju nosila sam još u studenom za posjet selu Goranci (Bosna i Hercegovina). Da, prošlog studenog. To je zadnji i jedini put da smo vidjeli snijeg ove zime. U Mostaru ove godine (a ni prošle) nije padao snijeg, ali kao što rekoh, prošlog studenog bilo je snijega u okruženju (ne u samom Mostaru nego u selu Goranci). Kako su Goranci udaljeni samo pet minuta vožnje od Mostara, naravno da smo morali iskoristiti ovu priliku da doživimo snijeg - i tu smo i bili. Bio sam tako sretna što sam vidjela snijeg i uživala u njemu. Znam da vama koji možda živite u  snježnim krajevima (u kojima snijeg pada šest mjeseci godišnje) sigurno muka od snijega, ali za nas Mediterance to je događaj za sebe i zabavna promjena. Nastavite sa čitanjem kako biste saznali više. 

I have illustrated this outfit today and it took me more than an hour to do it. What worried me the most about this illustration was this coat. Being of a light beige colour, I was afraid that I won't be able to capture it well. I knew that it will be challenging to capture the shadows on this puffer coat. So, the coat was my biggest challenge. This is a winter styling I set to illustrate, so outwear is the most important aspect of it.  In order to make this illustration work, the puffer coat had to be illustrated well. Not that the other items were not important, but they were not crucial for this illustration. Moreover, I had a feeling that some of them won't be that hard to illustrate. Why? This brings us to the following question. 

HAVE I ILLUSTRATED ANY OF THESE CLOTHING ITEMS BEFORE? Actually I have, if you visit this post you'll see that I illustrated both this beige beanie cap with a faux fur top and this pair of high brown boots.  Moreover, recently I have illustrated this pair of high brown boots worn with an A-line LBD dress. 

Is it easier to illustrate a clothing item you have already illustrated? Now, an answer to this question might not be the same for every illustrator, but for me it actually is. I find illustrating clothing items I have illustrated in the past easier. For example, this was my third time illustrating this particular pair of boots. So, that actually made it easier. How about the illustrating process itself? Well, I took photographs while  I was illustrating so I can show you how it went. 

Danas sam ilustrirala ovu odjevnu kombinaciju i za to mi je trebalo više od sat vremena. Ono što me najviše zabrinulo na ovoj ilustraciji je ovaj kaput. Kako je svijetlo bež boje, bojala sam se da to neću uspjeti dobro uhvatiti na ilustraciji. Znala sam da će biti izazov uhvatiti sjene na ovom napuhanko kaputu. Dakle, podstavljeni kaput mi je bio najveći izazov.. Pošto željah ilustrirati zimsku kombinaciju,  vanjska odjeća bijaše najvažniji aspekt toga. Da bi ova ilustracija uspjela, podstavljeni kaput je morao biti pravilno nacrtan i oslikan. Nije da ostale stavke nisu bile važne, ali nisu bile presudne za ovu ilustraciju. Štoviše, imala sam osjećaj da neke od njih neće biti teško ilustrirati. Zašto? To nas dovodi do sljedećeg pitanja.

Jesam li prije ilustrirala neke od ovih odjevnih predmeta? Zapravo jesam, ako posjetite poveznice u engleskom dijelu teksa,  vidjet ćete da sam ilustrirala i ovu bež kapu s kapom s gornjim dijelom od umjetnog krzna i ovaj par visokih smeđih čizama. Štoviše, nedavno sam ilustrirala ovaj par visokih smeđih čizama u kombinaciji s crnom haljicom A kroja. 

Je li lakše ilustrirati odjevni predmet koji ste već ilustrirali? Odgovor na ovo pitanje možda neće biti isti za svakog ilustratora, ali za mene zapravo jest. Lakše mi je ilustrirati odjevne predmete koje sam ilustrirala u prošlosti. Na primjer, ovo je bio moj treći put da ilustriram ovaj par čizama. Dakle, to je zapravo olakšalo taj dio. No, što je sa samim procesom ilustriranja? Pa, fotografirala sam dok sam crtala pa vam mogu pokazati kako je to išlo.


As you can see, I worked with watercolour pencils again. I used the elongated style of drawing known as the fashion figure. In fact I think I elongated it even more than usual, going for a eleven head figure instead of a typical fashion ten head per figure. First I started with drawing of the general outline. The body posture is similar to the one in the photograph. That's one of the reasons why I like using my own photographs as a reference, because I get to challenge myself drawing different posses. The pose I sketched is almost identical as the one in the photograph, but the legs are positioned slightly different. Moreover, in the original photograph I'm almost up to my ankles in snow and since I decided not to draw the snow or the background, I left snow out of the picture. 

Kao što vidite, opet sam radila s akvarel olovkama. Koristila sam izduženi stil crtanja poznat kao modna figura. Zapravo, mislim da sam ga produljila čak i više nego inače, uzimajući u obzir jedanaest glava umjesto tipičnih modnih deset glava po figuri. Prvo sam počela s crtanjem općeg obrisa. Stav tijela sličan je onom na fotografiji. To je jedan od razloga zašto volim koristiti vlastite fotografije kao referencu, jer imam izazov nacrtati različite postave. Poza koju sam skicirala je gotovo identična onoj na fotografiji, ali su noge malo drugačije postavljene. Štoviše, na originalnoj fotografiji sam skoro do gležnjeva u snijegu,  ali  kako sam odlučio ne crtati snijeg ili pozadinu, snijeg sam izostavila sa ilustracije.

As you can see, I started colouring the illustration right after I drew the general outline in brown. I decided what colours I will use and kept filling them in. What I focused right away on was the puffer coat. If you look at the photographs bellow, you will see that I'm trying to figure out the shades and the lines on the coat. As I explained, that was the part I worried most about and since I was using watercolour pencils, I was relying mostly on my drawing skills, knowing that I will employ water only at the very end of the process. At this point, I decided to draw some shadows under my boots, so I added colour there, knowing I will mixed them up once I add water. I was pretty relaxed about that part because that under shadow didn't have to look very realistic, but just serve as an accent to the illustration itself. 

Kao što vidite, ilustraciju sam počeo bojati odmah nakon što sam nacrtala obris smeđom bojom. Odlučila sam koje ću boje koristiti i nastavila ih popunjavati. Ono na što sam se odmah usredotočila bio je podstavljeni kaput. Ako pogledate fotografije ispod, vidjet ćete da pokušavam shvatiti nijanse i linije na kaputu. Kao što sam objasnila, to je dio koji me najviše brinuo, a kako sam koristio akvarel olovke, oslanjala sam se uglavnom na svoje crtačko umijeće, znajući da ću vodu koristiti tek na samom kraju procesa. U ovom trenutku odlučila sam nacrtati neke sjene ispod svojih čizama, pa sam tamo dodala boju, znajući da ću ih pomiješati kad dodam vodu. Bio sam prilično opušten oko tog dijela jer ono ispod sjene nije moralo izgledati baš realistično, već samo služiti kao naglasak na samoj ilustraciji.

What you can see on the photograph bellow is the fashion illustration taking its final form in the shape of the drawing. I added more and more details to it (the hair, the face, the gloves, the bag, the boots), constantly checking the reference. The puffer coat was the item I worked the most on but I also payed attention to other details. After drawing the eyes and the hair, I decided not to draw the sunglasses on. I have already illustrated that pair of sunglasses in the past but I felt that the illustration would look better without them. 

Ono što možete vidjeti na fotografiji ispod je modna ilustracija koja svoj konačni oblik dobiva u obliku crteža. Dodavala sam mu sve više detalja (kosa, lice, rukavice, torba, čizme), neprestano provjeravajući fotografiju koju sam koristola kao referencu. Bež podstavljeni kaput je bio predmet na kojem sam najviše radila, ali sam pazila i na druge detalje. Nakon što sam nacrtala oči i kosu, odlučila sam ne crtati sunčane naočale. Već sam ilustrirala taj par sunčanih naočala u prošlosti, ali mi se činilo da bi ilustracija izgledala bolje bez njih.

Once that I was done with all the shading and double checked everything, I was time to take up my painting brush and add water. While I was adding water and turning this drawing into a watercolour piece, I kept going back to the reference because I wanted to make sure I won't mess anything up. Again, the coat was my biggest concern. While this is a stylized drawing, I wanted the clothes to look realistic. So, it was with great attention that I added water to this coat and painted the shadows. It was only after that part done that I could relax. 

Nakon što sam završila sa svim sjenčanjem i još jednom sve provjerila, došlo je vrijeme za uzeti kist za slikanje i dodati vodu. Dok sam dodavala vodu i pretvarala ovaj crtež u akvarel, stalno sam se vraćala na referencu jer sam htjela biti sigurna da neću ništa zabrljati. Opet, kaput mi je bio najveća briga. Iako je ovo stilizirani crtež, željela sam da odjeća izgleda realistično. Dakle, s velikom pažnjom sam dodala vodu ovom kaputu i naslikala sjene. Tek nakon tog obavljenog dijela mogla sam se opustiti.

Once I finished with my brush work, I let the illustration dry. Once it was dried, I took some photographs because that is what we do when we plan to share our art. I was pleased with how the illustration turned out.  However, it is only after I uploaded these photographs onto my laptop and made some collages that I noticed some of the details I painted, details that were better visible on my laptop screen. Once I enlarged the illustration in Paint 3D, I realized that I managed to do this puffer coat justice. My husband told me right away that the illustration looks 3D, but I didn't really see anything special about it until I created some collages with my photographs (the ones you see in this post). After observing those collages, I thought to myself- I guess I did do a good job on the shadows.

Nakon što sam završila raditi s kistom, pustila sam da se ilustracija osuši. Nakon što se osušila, napravila sam nekoliko fotografija jer to radimo kada planiramo podijeliti svoju umjetnost. Bila sam zadovoljna kako je ilustracija ispala. Međutim, tek nakon što sam ove fotografije prebacila na laptop i napravilla nekoliko kolaža, primijetila sam neke od detalja koje sam naslikala, detalje koji su bili bolje vidljivi na ekranu mog prijenosnog računala. Nakon što sam povećala ilustraciju u Paint 3D, shvatila sam da sam uspjela pravilno naslikati podstavljeni kaput. Suprug mi je odmah rekao da ilustracija izgleda 3D, ali nisam vidjela ništa posebno u njoj dok nisam napravila neke kolaže sa svojim fotografijama (onima koje vidite u ovoj objavi). Nakon što sam promotrila te kolaže, pomislila sam - izgleda kako sam napravila  dobar posao na slikanju sjena.


Regular readers of my blog are already familiar with this beautuful village near Mostar city. We love to do go there, sometimes for a good hike, sometimes for a shorter walk in the nature and sometimes for a visit to the restaurant. I mean what is not to love there? There's amazing food, clean air, recreational spots, bird-watching options, horse riding schools and gorgeous mountain views to enjoy. 

U nastavku možete vidjeti još fotografija sa našeg izleta u Gorance toga snježnog ali sunčanog zimskog dana. Što još reći o Gorancima? Redovni čitatelji mog bloga već su upoznati s ovim prekrasnim selom u blizini Mostara. Volimo ići tamo, nekad na dobar izlet, nekad u kraću šetnju prirodom, a nekad u posjet restoranu. Mislim što se tu ima ne voljeti? Tu je nevjerojatna hrana, čist zrak, mjesta za rekreaciju, mogućnosti za promatranje ptica, škole jahanja i prekrasan pogled na planine. Ispod fotografija koje slijede možete pronaći još poveznica (linkova) na prijašnje objave. Trudim se sve objave objavljivati i na hrvatskom, ali neke još čekaju prijevod s engleskog. Ukoliko naletite na takvu, poslužite se prevoditeljom. 

MY PREVIOUS VISITS TO GORANCI- FIFTEEN MORE POSTS TO EXPLORE for those who want to know more about this gorgeous village hidden in the hill. 

OUTFIT DETAILS- HOW I WORE IT BEFORE? Let's talk a bit about the cozy outfit that inspired this fashion illustration. It's composed of some of my favourite items. This beige puffer coat has served me well for many years and I hope to wear it for years to come. Like with this beige beanie, I don't remember where I bought it from, but I've worn it enough time to make it a sustainable item. I wanted some colour to contrast the beige so I wore a bright red second hand scarf. I should wear this second hand scarf more often, it's such a fun pieces and it's easy to style. The second hand blue pleated skirt arrived in my closet in 2019 and it has been one of my favourites ever since. I honestly don't remember what top I paired with this blue midi skirt and I cannot tell from these photographs so we'll leave that to your imagination, shall we? As for this pair of boots, they are both comfy and warm so they were my choice for enjoying a snowy walk. We did enjoy the snow! 
THE BEIGE KNIT BEANIE- worn here, here, here & HERE
THE BURGUNDY LEATHER BAG- worn ten times in a post devoted to another item-  HERE
THE RED TARTAN PRINT SCARF-worn here & here.
THE COBALT BLUE PLEATED SKIRT- 30 ways to wear it here. 
THE HIGH BROWN BOOTS- last worn here*

* U engleskom dijelu teksta možete pronaći poveznice na odjevne kombinacije s komadima koje nosim u ovoj objavi. U svrhu modne održivosti i ekologije, volim promovirati kupnju u svom ormaru i nošenje komada koje već imamo. 

As always, thank you for reading and visiting. Have a nice day!


  1. Zaista lijepo ilustrovano, preslatka mi je kombinacija, i jako lijepe slike :)

  2. So love the details of the puffy coat! You captured the outfit so well! Such lovely photos too. You must have had so much fun putting this post together! I so enjoyed it. Thanks for the winter fashion!

  3. Such a great coat! Lovely work! Beautiful snow scene too! Awesome winter post! Such wonderful art! All the best to your creativity!

  4. Te quedo genial y muy practico. Hermoso lugar, Te mando un beso.

  5. Awesome winter outfit :-) I like so much this illustration of your outfit drawing by you. You are very talented :-) BTW I have to read this Amoz OZ fairy tale about the world without animals you wrote to me :-)
    Have a lovely day xx

    1. Thank you Carolyna. I hope you'll enjoy it.

  6. Puffy coats are really trendy right now too bad I will not get to wear them because I live in a tropical island. Your illustrations are spot on.

  7. What a fabulous piece of art, you've captured the soft puffiness of your coat a treat! It seems weird to see you in the snow, Ivana! xxx

    1. <3 Yes, it is a bit weird but I really enjoyed myself that day.

  8. Sei elegante pure sulla neve, Ivana!
    Le foto sono bellissime ed esprimono bene il divertimento di una giornata sulla neve, ma le illustrazioni ancora di più!
    Hai reso alla perfezione l'idea di un look caldo e alla moda!

  9. your drawings are amazing:) you are so talented girl!

  10. We haven't had any snow at all this Winter - so far - although Belgium is definitely not in the Mediterranean :-) It's been a funny sort of Winter ...
    Lovely snow pictures, and your outfit is just perfect for a snow day. I love how you captured it in your illustration. xxx

    1. Yes, this winter is funny. Our winters are mild, but this one is definitely warmer than usual.

  11. Hi
    In my country there is only one place where it snows, it is the Serra da Estrela (Star Mountain), it is a very high mountain and whoever likes to see snow is the place to go. I don't like snow, just watching it on TV ahahah! I think your illustration is perfect and you managed to capture your puffer coat very well, it really looks 3D! You are making illustrations with more and more quality! As for your look, it's perfect for snow and chic, which is not easy to achieve with snow!

  12. A Snowy Bluebird Day There - So Delightful - Keep That Creative Spirit Alive My Friend


  13. Seriously that shadowing on the coat is amazing Ivana. It looks absolutely natural!!

  14. I love your illustrations of yourself and your fashion! Ah indeed this looks like a beautiful place to visit. My Parisian step family is skiing in the Alps right now!

    Allie of

    1. That sounds fun. I don't know how to ski, though.

  15. Your drawings are fascinating. Your depictions of light and shadow are ingenious, I am impressed with how well you do it, the details are as faithful as watching you live :) Fantastic!

  16. Wow, dear Ivana
    I am particularly enthusiastic about how realistically you have reproduced the play of folds and the quilting of the coat! A very nice illustration and a great winter outfit!
    All the best

    1. Thank you Traude. I put some effort into it and it looks like it payed off.

  17. Hello dear Ivana, so happy to stop by your site again! Finally after a short break and first of all I hope you're having a fantastic 2022 so far!

    How are you? I hope you're good! By now I can see that you have been very creative as usual and it is always a pleasure to check out your work.

    I think I haven't seen snow in a while but thanks to your photos I can enjoy a bit even in the digital area. But I would love to see more from these winter looks and see how you style those pieces in different ways.

    As usual you amazed me with your art and the way you found inspiration in your own look. I liked the illustrations made with the watercolor pencils (those are a bit tricky but you used them really well) and I liked how you drew the legs and the boots! By the way the whole outfit in those tones of beige, red and blue is fantastic!

    Hey Fungi

    1. Thank you Pablo. Your feedback is always fascinating to me. I'm glad you enjoyed the illustration and work. My 2022 has been challenging but I've been able to work on my art daily.

  18. Beautiful ilustration! I like it.

    Kisses ;*

  19. I love the outfit, it looks so lovely. I always enjoy watching the "work-in-progress" of the illustrations you make.
    The location is gorgeous. Gosh, I really miss the snow.

  20. Draga Ivana ova tvoje ilustracija je savršenstvo. Oduševljena sam kako si vjerno prenijela sebe na papir i sve detalje na zimskoj jakni. Svaka čast.

  21. Perfect styling and great illustration! I wish to have that beautiful winter in my area :-)

  22. This is one of your best illustrations, Ivana - you've really captured the volume and texture of that coat. Such a fun outfit!

  23. I love that picture of your husband pointing!
    You did a really good job with the puffer coat colour-that's a really hard colour to recreate and you did it beautifully! And I really got a sense of the feathers inside!


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