Cropped chic / Kratko i slatko....Goranci ( BIH).....odjevna kombinacija i preporuka knjige / outfit post and book recommendation

Here we are again. In a charming little village called Goranci (gora means hill in slavic languages). Do you like country side? If you do, you'll live this little place called in hills near Mostar. I posted about Goranci previously on my blog here, here, here, here and here. Now we're here once again. I'm sitting in a restaurant with the same name (Goranci) and reading a book that could be literally translated as 'Who is afraid of character?'. The book was quite interesting to read  and I found the idea behind it very original. You see, this novel is written as a series of exam notes. The notes are about various famous characters in Croatian literature, who are in this way given an opportunity to speak for themselves. Who wrote the notes? That would be the main character in this book, the protagonist, a bright woman who never graduated literature because her approach to studying literature was in conflict with those of her professors. I appreciated the subtle self-irony of this book. You will know what I mean when I tell you that the woman who wrote it is an University professor of Croatian literature. Not only does Juliana Matanović teach literature, she also seems to understand how complex a job it really is. Moreover, she knows how to apprach it with humour. Art, in whatever form, is a fascinating subject. We try to explain it intellectually, we write essays and apply scientific methods, but in the end, Art is always one step beyond reason and intellect. I plan to read more from this author. You won't find Juliana's works in English translation, but her works have been translated to a number of European languages, including German, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Ukranian. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves literature. 

Evo nas opet ovdje. U šarmatnom malom selu koje se zove Goranci. Volite li seoski krajolik? Ako volite, svidjet će vam se ovo malo selo u brdima pored Mostara. Već sam o Gorancima pisala na blogu ovdje, ovdje, ovdje, ovdje i ovdje. Sada smo opet tu. Sjedim u restoranu istoga imena kao i selo i čitam knjigu Tko se boji lika još? Knjiga je jako zanimljiva i ideja mi se učinila jako originalnom. Vidite, ovaj roma je napisan kao niz  bilješki za ispit iz novije hrvatske književnosti. Bilješke su o raznim poznatim likovima iz hrvatske književnosti, koji na ovaj način dobivaju priliku da progovore i kažu nešto o sebi. Tko je napisao ove bilješke? To je glavna junakinja ove knjige, bistra žena koja nikada nije diplomirala jer se njen pristup književnosti ne slaže s onim njenih profesora. Meni se svidjela suptilna ironija ove knjige. Znati ćete na što mislim kada vam kažem da je žena koja ju je napisala hrvatska sveučilišna profesorica književnosti. Julijana Matanović ne samo da predaje književnost, već izgleda i razumije koliko je to u stvari složen posao, a zna se i našaliti na račun te rabote. Umjetnost, u kojoj god formi, je zanimljiva tema. Pokušavamo je intelektualno objasniti, pišemo eseje i koristimo znanstvene metoda, ali na kraju, umjetnost je uvijek jedan korak onkraj razuma i intelekta. Planiram pročitati još neko njeno djelo.  Julijanina djela su prevođena na njemački, češki, slovački, bugarski, makedonski i ukrajinski jezik. Svakako bi preporučila ovu knjigu svakome tko voli književnost. 



I've done a lot of reading last month and I've been lucky enough to come across some great novels. I've also done a lot of rereading, mostly classics ( Dorian Gray,  A Portrait of a lady, The book of Laughter and Forgiveness etc). I usually post my book reviews on my other blog (here). My book reviews tend to be long because I don't see the point in writing short ones. Anyway, here is a list of books that I've read last month (accompanied with my grades), if you've read and liked any of them, let me know.

Dosta sam čitala prošloga mjeseca i imala sam sreće naići na par odličnih romana. Dosta sam i starih djela ponovo pročitala (Dorian Gray, Portret dame, Knjiga smijeha i zaborava itd). Obično objavljujem oglede romana na mome drugome blogu (ovdje). Moji književni ogledi su obično dosta dugi jer ne vidim smisla u pisanju jako kratkih. Uglavnom, ovo je popis knjiga koje sam pročitala prošloga mjeseca (skupa s mojim ocjenjama). Ukoliko ste čitali ili vam se svidjela ijedna od njih, podijelite to sa mnom.

 June reads / srpanjski naslovi:

1. Buddha iz predgrađa, Dario Rukavina 2/5
2. Umjetni orao, Pavao Pavletić 4/5
3. Mr. Mercedes, Stephen King 2/5
4. Tko se boji lika još Juliana Matanović 4/5
5. Đavolja zvijezda (naziv orginala Marekors), Jo Nesbo
5. Never Let me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro 5/5

I'm not sure how I would call this outfit. Country chic, perhaps? It certainly has some elements of country chic, such as a shirt and a denim skirt. I wanted to wear something cropped so I put on this cropped top, but it seemed a bit too revealing so I wore a light shirt over it. I decided to knot my short at the waist because I always loved that look and in the end I ended up with a cropped shirt. Climate in this village is a bit cooler than in Mostar because it is located in the hills, so fortunately it wasn't too warm. That's the main reason why a lot of folks from Mostar visit it during Summer. To cool down a little bit!  Mostar is surrounded by hills and mountains, so the warm air gets trapped inside,  turning it into an oven during the warmer months. So, a little weekend espace is more than welcome, especially one that is as lovely as this one. Plus, it is only a 10 minute drive from the city. 

Nisam sigurna kako bi nazvala ovu odjevnu kombinaciju? Možda seoski štih?  Sigurno ima te neke elemente kao na primjer košulja i suknja od jeansa. Htjela sam obući nešto kraće pa sam se odlučila za ovaj top, ali mi se činilo malo previše oskudno pa sam obikla laganu košulju preko njega. Odlučila sam je svezati u čvor jer mi se to uvijek sviđalo i na kraju sam završila sa kraćom košuljom. Klima u ovom selu je malo hladnija nego u Mostaru jer se nalazi u brdima, tako da srećem nije mi bilo pretoplo. To je glavni razlog zašto puno ljudi iz Mostara dolazi tu ljeti. Malo se ohladiti! Mostar je okružen brdima i planinama , pa topli zrak ne može pobjeći i to ga pretvara u pećnicu tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Tako da je malo pobjeći više nego dobro došlo, posebno kada je u pitanju ovako ljupko mjesto. Osim toga, to je samo deset minuta vožnje od grada.




There is something about the country air that makes us feel like anything is possible. More and more, people are dreaming about escaping urban environments. Sometimes a little trip is enough. Some people, however, make the decision to move in the country. I can certainly understand it. Another thing that I totally get is why some people decide to vacation in a countryside. Why not? Not everyone is all about swimming and one can catch a nice tan everywhere. The number of tourists staying in small villages is increasing. What do you think about this trend? Would you consider going for a vacation in the countryside? It is interesting to note how this trend translated to fashion. We've seen lots of editorials shot in countrysides lately, haven't we? What do you say? Do you like the country? Do you like country style? I personally like country chic, perhaps because it has a lot in common with bohemian style, of which I'm also a fan.

Ima nešto u seoskom zraku što čini da osjećamo kao da je sve moguće. Sve više i više ljudi sanjaju o bijegu iz urbanih sredina. Ponekad je mali izlet dovoljan. Neki se pak odluče i preseliti na selo. Ja to svakako razumijem. Još jedna stvar koju posve shvaćam je zašto neki ljudi odluče ljetovati na selu. Zašto ne? Nisu svi ljubitelji plivanja, a lijepa boja može se svugdje uhvatiti. Broj turista koji ljetuju u malim selima se povećava. Što vi mislite o ovom trendu? Biste li ljetovali na selu? Zanimljivo je vidjeti kako se ovaj trend oslikao i u modnom svijetu. Vidjeli smo puno editoriala koji su snimani na selu u zadnje vrijeme, zar ne? Što vi kažete? Volite li selo? Volite li seoski stil? Ja ga osobno volim, možda zato jer ima dosta zajedničkoga s boemskim stilom kojega sam također obožavatelj.

shirt/košulja: vintage
cropped top/ kratka majica: vintage
scarf worn as belt/ marama nošena kao remen: vintage
denim skirt/ suknja od jeansa: amadeus (ovdje/here)
sneakers/ tenisice: Startas Borovo 


  1. Ajme što ti je slatka ta košuljica, zaljubila sam se na prvi pogled! Odlično izgledaš, volim ovakve opuštene i šarene ljetne kombinacije :) Ovdje je danas konačno pala poštena kiša i malo rashladila i grad i stan, ali mi je već dosta ljeta i vrućina jer stvarno ne podnosim kad se sve oko mene užari na plus 34 stupnja, doslovno budem za ništa.

    1. znam kako ti je:) i ovdje je palo malo kišice, ali baš i nije ohladilo grad.

  2. Kosuljica je zaista preslatka :D

  3. Amazing photos my dear, I love your skirt <3 Pity that this book is not in english ...

    1. maybe I'll translate it to Polish some day:)

  4. Nice post !!!!

  5. Really Chic and cool look Ivana, I love the shirt!
    Have a lovely day

  6. Lovely photos!

  7. You are very beautiful! Lovely post!

    Come visit →PANAMA ASTI
    post comments or reviews... Me will be very nice :)

  8. Such lovely pictures Ivana!!!!
    Thanks a lot for the book recommendation! I'd love to read Kazuo Ishiguro

  9. Lovely look dear and lovely location! Have a great week! xx

  10. Questo villaggio sulle colline embra così tranquillo e rilassante!
    Anceh io amo molto la campagna e la natura, ma dubito mi piacerebbe vivere in un paesino in collina. I miei genitori nei week end prendono spesso in affitto una villetta in Toscana proprio in campagna, e stare lì per un paio di giorni è pure piacevole ma secondo me a lungo andare diventa noiosissimo!
    Infatti io spesso nemmeno vado più con loro!^^
    In compenso il tuo look di ispirazione country ti sta davvero bene, si vede che in queste foto sei felice e rilassata! :D
    E grazie per i tuoi utilissimi consigli sui libri che leggi! :D

    1., un lungo andare posso essere noiso, specialmente per i per rilarassi un po, e una scelta perfetta.

  11. Lovely country chic outfit! Great post & pictures Ivana :) x

    The Belle Narrative

  12. Stai benissimo in rosso Ivana e hai un sorriso dolcissimo ! Baci

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion & beauty blog

  13. Sei davvero in totale simbiosi con la natura non è da tua espressione felice mi rallegra.. Amo molto la lettura grazie un bacio

  14. Прекрасные фото! Солнце тебя поцеловало!))

  15. The book sounds fascinating especially considering that the author is a literature professor herself. This outfit is lovely. I think country chic would work as a description for this outfit. You look so pretty and right at home in the middle of that field :)

    1. yes, it was a great read. Yesterday I stared to read an even more amazing book and today I just can't stop reading it.

  16. Beautiful photos! I love your outfit! You look beautiful.


  17. It sounds like an interesting book! :)

    Really like your red shirt, and that denim skirt is lovely. The scarf as a belt is a nice touch :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. thank you dear. I love wearing scarves as belts.

  18. Predivne slike draga moja, bas mi se svidja outfit!

    BebaGottel | Instagram | Facebook

  19. This is my favorite outfit Beautiful:)
    Amazing photos:)

  20. Che bel look cara:) ti dona moltissimo un bacio

  21. Dear Ivana, for sure I'm a fan of the country side! Honestly a huge one, but I think you know this already since a very long time. I enjoy among many other things that the climate in the country side is also here in Bavaria very moderate and I feel happy and free where I live. You look absolutely fantastic in your beautiful look with the denim skirt: fresh and happy <3 And I see you read again a lot in the last time - the book you recommend here sounds indeed interesting, thanks for sharing! Have a happy week!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  22. You look so adorable and sweet, dear! And wow that back shot in the skirt is very sexy ;)

    All Things Bright and Lovely


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