Pearls, sneakers and a new haircut / Biseri, tenisice i nova frizura

They say pearls match everything, don't they? Well, why not try pairing them with sneakers? I love pairing dresses with sneakers because I'm all about that causal yet feminine chic. If I can have a bit of pattern mixing (for example striped sneakers with floral dress), why then I turn into a blissfully happy girl. If I can be comfortable and still feel dressed up, well then I don't have anything else to ask for in my style voyage.  Colours, patterns, mix of styles.... all these elements came together to create the kind of outfit I feetl best in. What else can I say? I felt pretty darn good wearing this. New haircut made me feel even better. When you feel like you can’t change anything, change your hairstyle. It might give you a new perspective. Few things can make us feel as confident as having a great hair day. Am I right, my darlings? Sure, changing our hairstyle is a risk but life is always about risk tasking. Besides, it is not like our hair won't grow back, is it?

Kažu da se biseri slažu sa svime, zar ne? Zašto ih onda ne nositi i s tenisicama?  Volim nositi haljine s tenisicama jer mi veoma dopadaju ženstvene, a opet ležerne odjevne kombinacije. Ukoliko mogu dobiti miješanje uzoraka (npr. tenisice s prugama i cvjetna haljina), onda sam blaženo sretna djevojka. Ukoliko mi može biti udobno, a da se u isto vrijeme osjećam i dotjerano, onda nemam više što tražiti što se stila. Boje, uzorci, mješavina stilova...svi ti elementi su se povezali u onaj tip odjevne kombinacije koja mi se najviše sviđa. Što mogu još reći? Osjećala sam se jako dobro u ovome. Nova frizura još mi je više podigla raspoloženje. Kada vam se čini da ne možete ništa promijeniti, promijenite svoju frizuru. Možda vam to da novu perspektivu. Malo nas stvari čini tako samopouzdanima kao savršena kosa. Jesam li u pravu, dragi moji? Istina, promjena frizura je uvijek pomalo rizik, ali život je pun rizika. Na kraju krajeva, nije da nam kosa neće ponovo narasti, zar ne?

A book in my hand. What a surprise! :) Well, let's get to the point. This novel  Bitter Traces (at least that's how I would translate the title) by Nikola Mihaljević left me a bit frustated. It started off wonderfully and it left me puzzled as to why I haven't heard of this author before. Little did I know that soon I was to find out why. The novel is quite messy. The first four chapters are brilliant, the characters are well rounded and the story is fascinating. After that, it all goes down hill. It's like the first four chapters were written by a good writer and all the rest by a mad one. Upon having read it this morning, all I could feel was bitterness. No inspiration, no light, no hope...and it is not because the book deals with difficult themes. God only knows how many books I've read so far that could be labelled that way. It is just that there is no light in this book, no deeper message, no feels more like a sketch for a novel than a real novel. Without doubt, it is one of the most depressive books that I've read. I literally like there was darkness heading my way with every new sentence. Moreover, it just isn't a good piece of writing, it is not a well written novel. It's rushed, messy, unfinished....I don't recommend it. Lesson of the day- just because author is uknown, doesn't mean that he is good. Often I get blown away by works written by uknown authors. Not this time! 

Knjiga u mojoj ruci! Koje iznenađenje! Dobro, idemo to odmah pojasniti. Roman Gorki Tragovi Nikole Mihaljevića me učinio pomalo frustriranom. Početak je bio divan pa sam se pitala kako to da nikada prije nisam čula za ovoga pisca. Uskoro mi je sve postalo jasno. Roman je jako neuredan. Prva četiri poglavlja su odlična, njihovi likovi su dobro zaokruženi, a njihova priča zanimljiva. Poslije toga slijedi katastrofa. Kao da je prva četiri poglavlja napisao dobar pisac, a ostatak (bez uvrijede) luđak. Kada sam dovršila ovu knjigu jutros, sve što sam osjećala je ogorčenje. Nimalo nadahnuća, nade, svijetla...a nije to zato što u knjizi ima teških tema. Sam Bog zna koliko sam knjiga pročitala koje se mogu nazvati teškim. Jednostavno u ovoj knjizi nema svijetla, nema dublje poruke, nema zaključka...imam osjećaj da je to prije skica za roman nego pravi roman. Bez sumnje, to je jedna od najdepresivnijih knjiga koje sam pročitala. Doslovno sam imala osjećaj da tama juri prema meni svakom rečenicom. Nadalje, to jednostavno nije dobro štivo i ne radi se o dobro napisanom romanu. Požuren je, neuredan, nedovrš mogu ga preporučiti. Pouka dana- samo zato što je autor nepoznat, ne znači da je dobar. Često me oduševe djela nepoznatih autora. Ne ovaj put!

floral dress/cvjetna haljina: not branded, nije markirana
blazer/sako: vintage
sneakers/tenisice: startas
bag/torba:  handmade Croatian folklore bag/hrvatska folknorna torba ručni rad

Nothing is certain in life. We might pick up a book and end up feeling like we've lost our time but if we don't try, if we don't read a lot, then we probably won't find those books that will be precious to us, those books that will make us believe in humankind again, that will make us feel alive and happy to alive. Either way you turn it, you can't avoid taking risks. We must love, even if it means we will get hurt, we must put our trust in others, even if we will be betrayed. We all make mistakes but there is always hope. There is always love. There is always strenght. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Ništa u životu nije sigurno. Možemo uzeti neku knjigu i na kraju osjećati da smo izgubili svoje vrijeme, ali ako ne pokušamo, ako ne čitamo puno, onda vjerojatno nećemo naći one knjige koje će nam biti dragocjene, one knjige zbog kojih ćemo ponovo povjerovati u čovječanstvo, one knjige koje će učiniti da se osjećamo živima i sretnima što smo živi. Kako god okrenete, rizike ne možemo izbjeći. Moramo voljeti, čak i ako budemo povrijeđeni, moramo vjerovati drugima, čak i ako će nas izdati. Svi mi griješimo ali uvijek ima nade. Uvijek ima ljubavi. Uvijek ima snage. Nemojte da vas itko uvjeri u nešto drugo.


  1. You're so cute! I love this look!

    New Post->

  2. Sorry to hear that the book was a disappointment but that's the chance you take sometimes especially with an unknown author. Your hair cut on the other hand is fantastic! The bangs and the new style frame your face beautifully! Yes I agree that changing your hair is a great way to feel refreshed :)

    1. yes, we must take our chances. Thank you dear.

  3. I also love wearing dress with sneakers (not today though, I am wearing a dress and flats), as it is such a comfy combination. And as you said, it's comfortable and feminine in the same time. I think you put a very chic outfit. The pattern of the sneakers and the dress pattern go pretty well together, although they are so different.

    Sorry to hear that the book didn't meet your expectations, and thank you for letting us know. I rarely stumble upon bad books, but yet it happens.

    Sun and Sany - Bulgarian travel and leisure blog

    1. thank you dear Stanislava. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy these kind of outfits too...I rarely stumble on bad books, especially considering how much I read, so far I've been pretty luck in that sense but sometimes it is bound to happen.

  4. Nova frizura ti stoji odlično,kao i biseri! Nisam te vidjela da ih prije nosiš, možda bi trebala malo češće jer ti zaista super stoje. Odjevna kombinacija je za 10, kao i uvijek, posebno mi se dopada kako si takvu vrstu tenisica skombinovala sa ostatkom. Super!

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  5. I love your hairs style with this look. You look amazing sweetie.

  6. I love your new do, it's suits you beautifully, Ivana. You look girly yet feminine, happy, playful. Sorry to hear the book was a disappointment.

    1. thank you Lenya...yes, the book was a let down, but I already found a new one to pick me up.

    2. I am not a bit surprised about that, lol. Hope the new one will be a good read, hun. Happy day, hugs.

  7. Frizura kao i kombinacija predivne! :)

  8. wow you look perfect, nice dress and I love your new hairstyle ❤️❤️❤️

  9. I really really love your hair... You look perfect!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  10. Hello Ivana! First of all, I really like your new haircut - it suits to you and totally agree with you that sometimes you need some changes in how we look like ;) What's more, I totally love your sporty chic outfit - personally I have never (!!!) worn dress with sneakers, but when I look at your photos I think I'm gonna try this combo, because it looks amazing and what's the most important - it's comfy at the same time :) Moreover, thank you for your recommendation to not read this novel, sorry to hear that it wasn't as good as you thought!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. thank you:) The novel isn't translated yet, but I warned you in advance.

  11. I love your new hairstyle, beautiful look.

  12. Draga Ivana, novi friz je za svaku pohvalu. Šiškice su te pomladile još više te ti dale onu zaigranu notu koja ti baš pristaje. Suvišno je i reći koliko dobro idu uz boje i uzorke modne kombinacije ili ruha, kako ti voliš napisati. :)

    Žao mi je roman, nisam do sada čula za autora... pomalo me iznenadila tvoja kritika jer mi se čini da ti stvarno u bilo čemu uvijek pronalaziš nešto lijepo i baš sam se iznenadila da te ova knjiga toliko razočarala. Baš mi je žao da se nije završila sukladno početku... opet, lijepo je što si joj dala priliku! :***

    1. hvala puno:) sviđaju mi se šiške samo su mi već narasle preko očiju, morati ću stalno u frizera ako ih mislim zadržati:)

      joj, bizarno je koliko je roman dobro počeo, a onda sredina i kraj...posve nerazumljivo.

  13. You just reminded me of a pearl necklace that was given to me by my MIL, I think I've only worn it once and should really wear it more often. I love your new hair cut, Ivana! You look so cute and beautiful!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. you should wear it more often. Pearls go well with everything!

  14. Oh Ivana, I just love your new haircut! You look SO stylish with the new length/cut :) I love your point about changing your hair when you feel unable to change must else - that's exactly what I did as a teenager and it really helped at the time. You're starting the new month with a gorgeous new haircut!

    1. thank you sweetie...yes, I had a lovely start of the month:)

  15. Great image! You look so cute and lovely, dear!=)))

  16. so stunning,i love your dress,its so girly

  17. ti sta bene questo nuovo taglio di capelli e carinissimo outfit :)

  18. This dress looks so pretty on you.

  19. Your new hair really looks great on you :)

    Stay in Style
    Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot

  20. Troppo carino il vestitino ma soprattutto il tuo nuovo taglio, ti dona tantissimo!! :)

  21. New haircut looks stunning!
    I have some pearls in my jewellery box and often combine them with basic t-shirts, jeans or a choker and safety-pins-earrings:) It's fun to mix styles :)

    1. thanks dear. It is indeed a lot of fun to mix styles.

  22. Fantastično ti stoje šiške, ova frizura ti je stvarno jedna jako ugodna promjena, baš mi je drago da si se odlučila na nju! :) Ja isto obožavam nositi tenisice na suknje / haljine, oduvijek su mi to bile najdraže ljetne kombinacije i baš mi se sviđa ova tvoja šarena i zaigrana!

    Žao mi je čuti da je knjiga bila tako očajna, ali svaka čast što si imala volje izgurati do kraja! Ja sam odavno već samoj sebi obećala da prestajem čitati i gledati sve što mi nakon nekog vremena postane nepodnošljivo, život je prekratak za loše knjige (filmove, serije...)! :D

    1. hvala, zabavno je imati šiške opet...nisam ih godinama nosila.

      Ovu sam morala dovršiti jer sam se stalno nadala da će postati bolja:)

  23. Your blazer is really nice and it goes well with the dress!

    Bella Pummarola

  24. Mislim da je očigledno koliko ja volim šiške :D Tebi stoje savršeno! Oduševila sam se :) Tako idu uz tebe, što zbog mladalačkog duha, što zbog prefinjene note i mediteranske lepote nalik glumici iz nekog crno belog italijanskog filma kojom ti meni generalno zračiš, ako shvataš šta hoću da kažem ;) Nova frizura jeste rizik, nova knjiga takođe, a i kombinacija drugačijih stilova i dezena. Sa prvom i trećom nisi nikako pogrešila, znaš i sama da volim te kombinacije koje su i šik i ležerne u isto vreme, a prosto se vidi koliko se dobro osećaš u tome što nosiš. Haljinica je jedna od onih koja može da se nosi na toliko mnogo načina, a činjenica da si pomešala bisere (jako ih volim) i patike je samo dokaz kako u modi nema pravila i kako se sve može :) Što se knjige tiče, žao mi je što ti nije legla, a vidim da ću je izbeći i sama. Retko mi dešava da mi neka knjiga bude baš toliko mučna i besmislena ali da, to je takođe posledica rizikovanja, ali bez rizika i izlaska iz naših vlastitih okvira gubimo priliku da otkrijemo toliko toga :)

    1. znam da ih voliš i hvala na komplimentima...koji komplimenti, zacrveniti ću se...moram priznati da volim te stare talijanske crno bijele filmove i nekako su mi žene iz toga razdoblja posebno čarobne.

      Slažem se da su rizici potrebni, a možda sam ih dosada u životu previše, sve se može promijeniti.

  25. This is a fantastic dress for summer! Love the look, comfy but stylish <3
    xx, enjoy ur day!



  26. Uuuuuuu, koja frizura...odlična promjena, baš ti perfektno stoje. <3 I sad ti zavidim, ja ih želim ono...oduvijek, ali kako imam valovitu kosu morala bi se truditi oko njih svakodnevno, a nisam baš od fena i pegle. :D
    Tenisice i haljine - volim, volim i jedva sam dočekala ovo vrijeme da mogu iznositi takve kombinacije. Ova tvoja mi je baš šik i razigrana, a ti si mi divna, divna. :*
    Hahaha, mislim da si pokopala ovaj roman sa svojim komentarom, meni ne pada na pamet uzeti je u ruke. :D

    1. ha ha ha, što ću kada mi je stvarno roman bio potpuno razočarenje, možda zato što sam se u početku ponadala da je nešto posebno:).

  27. I've always been a pearl girl Ivana! My grandmother loved them. I use to wear a pearl necklace with everything. Now just earrings. Yours looks great. I LOVE your hair! That cut looks so good on you. Beautiful post. You look great.

    1. Pear earrings are also a very elegant choice.

  28. Beautiful outfit!

    Kisses, DadieB. ~

  29. Wow, I love your new hair do, Ivana! You look so classy! And I love how you have styled this outfit. Cool!

  30. Ma stai benissimo con questo nuovo taglio di capelli:) anche io qualche settimana fa ho fatto il tuo stesso taglio un bacione

  31. Hope you're having great evening, my dear Ivana!

  32. Hey Ivana, I can see that you're having such a great time at hometown! Now talking about the haircut... you look so good! That is why I noticed something different in the last but newest post I commented, haha! You changed your haircut and is definitely a good decision! As a guy I can't take your advantage of all, I think for us is even more difficult (but easier to change look and not that expensive, haha) promise to go to the barbershop soon and share the result!

    Did you know I'm a sneakers lover? I'm always wearing them and luckily I have a lot, promise to add some similar option to yours to my collection!

    Hope you're having an amazing weekend again!
    Greetings from Spain :D

    Fungi Express blog

    1. yes, I remember you said you liked sneakers...and I love them too:)

      let me know about the result:)

  33. Divno receno draga! Obozavam tvoje mudre zivotne misli, a i to sto nam iskreno dajes recenzije knjiga koje procitas.
    Preslatka si sa siskicama, dobro dosla u klub :-) Ja ih nosim bas godinama pa sam sad u fazi da ih pustam pa dokle izdrzim :-) Svidja mi se odabir garderobe, posebno vesela haljinica.


  34. puno lajkam i haljinu i tenisice i frizuru :D

  35. You look gorgeous my dear, as a beautiful unspoiled wilderness! ♥
    I love your outfit, love the background, a perfect match!
    best wishes

  36. I feel a bit like that about Kafka! I am reading his complete short stories at the moment and they are just bizarre! I am persevering, up to p99 but I really am having to work hard to read,retain or enjoy anything about it except the Metamorphisis- only because I studied the Steven Berkoff play adaptation for A'level! Shame the book is so crazy!
    This outfit is absolutely brilliant!!! I love it, truly!!! I would recreate this in a heartbeat!x

  37. You look nice with that hair cut

    xx LL

  38. Congratulation to your new haircut! It´s great, You look so beautiful!!!
    Love your cute dress and the pairing with the sneakers too!

    xxxx Nadine <3333

  39. This new haircut looks great on you. You're so right is saying that, "when you can't change anything, go for a new haircut." I believe that too, and often do that:)


  40. Very lovely dress and wow such nice shots of you in tights, such a gift and I almost missed it. You have my full permission to inform me when there are amazing tights pictures on your blog I have missed. Rarely do they show up so well and with so much of your amazing legs visible. Of course I could not resist enjoying and it was fantastic ;) Kisses

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  41. sorry my dear, but i dont like your new haircut - i dont like an fringe hairstyle.

    i love your hairdo, like you always wears and i love your new pics around this river.



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