Book recommendation and review / Preporuka knjige i ogled (Guy de Maupassant, Mont-Oriol)

Everyone has probably heard of Guy de Maupassant, a naturalist French writer that is considered to be a master of a short story form. If you google him, you will have no problems finding his short stories, they're available on many online sites. In addition, copy laws don't apply anymore, so you can read them online or even print them out without feeling guilty. He really is the master of short story, so I do think this is something you should do if you love literature. In addition, short stories are great for those crazy days when finding some free time seems impossible.

Svi ste vjerovatno čuli za Guy de Maupassanta, naturalističkog francuskog pisca kojeg smatraju majstorom kratke priče. Potražite li ga internetu, bez problema ćete pronaći njegove kratke priče, koje su dostupne na brojnim internetskim stranicama, a kako su prava izdavača i pisca davno istekla, slobodno ih čitajte pa i isprintajte sebi bez krivnje. On je doista majstor kratke priče pa mislim da je to nešto što trebate napraviti ako volite književnost. Uz to, kratke priče su sjajne za one lude dane kada se pronalazak slobodnog vremena čini nemogućim.

puffer, jakna: no name
necklace/ogrlica: my creation, moja kreacija
scarf/šal: no name
dress/haljina: moda in
jeans/ traperica: vintage
bag/torba: no name
sneakers/ tenisice: startas (same here/ iste ovdje

However, today I will not talk about his shorts stories. What I'm recommending to you today is a novel. You have probably all heard about at least one of his novels, because Bel Ami has been turned into a successful film. I still have to read that one, as well as watch the film. Mont-Oriol, the novel I'm recommending today was actually the first novel of his that I had read. Prior to it, I have only read his story stories.

No, danas neću pričati o njegovom kratkim pričama. Što vam danas preporučavam je roman. Vjerovatno ste svi čuli barem za jedan od njegovih romana jer je Bel Ami pretvoren u uspješan film. Ja ga zapravo još nisam pročitala, a ni pogledala film, to me još čeka. Mont-Oriol, roman koji danas preporučam je prvi njegov roman koji sam pročitala. Prije njega, čitala sam samo njegove kratke priče.

One thing that I noticed while I was reading his short stories is that this writer is really a master when it comes to understanding the female mind. He does have a way of getting into the head of his female characters. This is even more visible in this novel than it is in his short stories. In Mont- Oriol, there is a number of interesting characters. The narrative is elegant and natural; it follows a few different threads that make it a really fascinating read. However, I can't help feeling that this novel is actually all about Christiane, a young woman who has a great capacity and hunger for love but she doesn't even realize it at the start of this novel. It is her story that I found most touching and real. I felt like I could really relate to her on so many levels. It is on basis of the success of her characterization that I consider this novel to be a true masterpiece.

Jednu stvar koju sam primijetila dok sam čitala njegove kratke priče je da je ovaj pisac stvarno dobar u razumijevanju ženskog uma, pravi je majstor kada se treba ženi uvući u glavu. Ovo je čak više vidljivo u ovome romanu nego u njegovim kratkim pričama. U ovom romanu postoji cijeli niz zanimljivih likova. Pripovijedanje je elegantno i prirodno, slijedi nekoliko različitih linija što ovaj roman čini jako zanimljivim štivom. Ipak ne mogu protiv toga osjećaja da je ovaj roman zapravo roman o Christiane, mladoj ženi koja ima veliku sposobnost i glad za ljubavlju, ali to zapravo i ne shvaća na početku romana. Njena priča je ona koja mi se učinila najviše dirljivom i stvarnom. Imala sam osjećaj da se s njom mogu povezati na više razine. Upravo na uspjehu razvijenosti njenog lika stvorila sam mišljenje da je ovaj roman pravo remek djelo.

 This writer has a reputation for being a cynic and pessimist, so I might come as surprise to some that his writing is very uplifting to me. I guess there are different types of cynics and maybe that is it, but to be honest this writer doesn't strike me as a cynic at all. It is certainly true that Maupassant reveals dark sides of human nature but the way he does it is very honest and straight forward. I always respect that in a writer. He is the kind of writer that lets you come to your own conclusions; he doesn't force you to see the world in a particular way. A true cynic doesn't believe in love, so Maupassant can't really be a true cynic. Not that this novel is  a typical and happy love story, far from it but it does recognize love for what it is, a force to be reckon with. I do respond to his style of writing on more levels than one and I certainly don't consider myself to be a pessimist of any sort.  I'm the sort of person who stands with my two feet on the ground, always trying to asses the situation instead of running away into pleasant daydreaming. I try not to turn my eyes from the ugly side of life for I believe that to appreciate the good things in life, we must also know about the bad ones.

Ovaj pisac ima reputaciju cinika i pesimista, pa se može činiti iznenađujućim da su njegova djela za mene na neki način podizači raspoloženja. Možda se radi o tome da postoje različite vrste cinika, možda je to do, ali da budem iskrena ovaj pisac za mene nije uopće cinik. Svakako je istina da Maupassant otkriva tamne strane ljudske prirode, ali način na koji to radi je jako iskren i izravan, a kod svakog pisca to veoma poštujem. On je tip pisca koji vam pušta da dođete do svojih vlastitih zaključaka, nema tu nikakva prisiljavanja da vidite svijet na određen način. Pravi cinik ne vjeruje u ljubav, pa Maupassant ne može doista biti smatran pravim cinikom. Daleko od toga da je ovaj roman nekakva sretna i tipična ljubavna priča, ali priznaje snagu i moć ljubavi. Stil pisanja ovog pisca mi odgovora, povezujem se s njima ne više razina, a svakako se ne smatram pesimistom bilo kakve vrste. Ja sam vrsta osobe koja stoji na dvije noge čvrsto na zemlji, uvijek pokušavam procijeniti situaciju umjesto da bježim u ugodno sanjarenje. Ne okrećem oči od ružnih stvari u životu jer vjerujem da bismo cijenili dobre stvari u životu, moramo poznavati i loše.

Besides, acknowledging that human beings are often motivated by greed and lust is not really being pessimistic in my view. It is more being realistic than anything else. I personally don't feel the need to put on a pair of pink glasses just to be able to avoid being depressed. I think there is a way of seeing this world for what it is without feeling depressed about it. People often act in a way that is not very enlightened.  Realizing this makes us appreciate those rare beautiful souls even more. Realizing this can make us appreciate life more, not less. It can make us look up to the right kind of people. Such is my opinion. There are great differences between people, between what they believe in and what they want. This novel highlights that, but in a way that makes us more tolerant about others. At least that is the impression I got. We can't change others, so we might as well stop judging them and concentrate on living our own lives. 

Osim toga, priznavanje činjenice da su ljudska bića često motivirana pohlepom i požudom baš i nije pesmistično ako se mene pita, naprotiv ja bi to prije nazvala realizmom nego nečim drugim. Osobno ne osjećam potrebu da stavljam par ružičastih naočala samo da izbjegnem depresiju. Mislim da postoji način da se ovaj svijet vidi bez da nas odmah uhvati depresija. Ljudi se često ponašaju na način koji baš prosvijećen. Kada to shvatimo, možemo više cijeniti one rijetke prelijepe duše. Shvaćanjem toga možemo više cijeniti život, a ne manje. To nas može odvesti do toga da se divimo pravoj vrsti ljudi, barem je takvo moje mišljenje. Ne možemo promijeniti druge, pa ih onda jednostavno možemo prestati osuđivati i koncentrirati se na življenje našeg života. 

When critics talk about this novel, they often mention the importance of setting and how the wonderful nature creates a contrast with the behaviour of characters. A great deal has been said about the descriptions of nature in this novel and they are truly superb, so if you enjoy that sort of thing, you will have a blast reading Mont-Oriol. Furthermore, the novel has a funny side to it and this type of humour is pretty accessible. I already praised the narrative and the plot. I said how the potrayal of characters is very successful and how the story itself is a very enjoyable read. However, I must get back to Christiane, for I feel she is one of those characters that really came to life. She is a type of character that simply gets under your skin. In the end, you feel her destiny to be as real as she was really one of your closest friends. I said many favourable things about this novel and I can call it a true classic. That all being said this novel did make me feel quite sad at times. When I finished it, I felt uplifted but not in your typical 'life is beautiful' way. It is more that this novel made me feel like life is worth living, despite the fact that it can be so terribly cruel and hard. Christiane's sadness was something I really felt and it did make me cry. 

Kada kritičari govore o ovom romanu, često spomenu važnost lokacije i to kako divna priroda stvara kontrast s ponašanjem likova, a puno toga je rečeno i o opisima prirode koji su doista odlični, pa ako u tome uživate, svidjeti će vam se ovaj roman. Nadalje, roman ima i svoju komičnu stranu i njegova vrsta humora je jako pristupačna. Već sam hvalila pripovijedanje i zaplet, a rekla sam i kako je razvijanje portreta likova jako uspješno i kako je sama priča užitak za čitanje. No moram se vratiti na Christiane jer imam dojam da je ona jedan od onih likova koji su doista oživjeli. Ona je lik koji se jednostavno uvuče pod kožu i na kraju imate osjećaj da je njena sudbina stvarna kao da je jedna od vaših najbližih prijateljica. Rekla sam puno lijepih stvari o ovom romanu i mogu ga nazvati pravim klasikom. Ipak moram reći da me je ovaj roman na dosta mjesta doista rastužio. Kada sam ga dovršila, osjećala sam da mi je raspoloženje podignuto, no ne na onaj tipičan "život je lijep" način. Više sam imala osjećaj da je život vrijedan življenja, iako može biti jako okrutan i težak. Tuga koju je osjećala Christiane je nešto što sam doista osjetila i što me je rasplakalo.

For me there is a great difference between the feelings of depression and sadness. Depression (as a feeling not a medical condition and mental disease) is more selfish feeling, it is created in refrence to not feeling loved or appreciated, while sadness is the kind of feeling we feel when we feel for others, when we're being emphatic. We are sad when we are occupied with a broder picture, when we are concened about others and the world. When we are depressed, we don't see the light because we care only about ourself, because we want to be loved but we don't have the strenght to love others. When we are sad, we don't see the light because it might be hidden at the moment, but we can still feel it because our heart is open. I believe that sadness can make us better people. According to my personal definition of these two words, this novel made me feel sad but not depressed. It did make me cry, but catharsis is often the sign of great literature. There are different types of sorrow and some of them are actually crucial for our personal development and we shouldn't run from them. This novel has a note of tragedy in it, but this tragedy gives birth to the kind of sorrow that can teach us a lot if we open our heart to it.

Za mene postoji velika razlika između osjećaja depresije i tuge. Depresija (kao osjećaj, a ne kao medicinsko stanje i mentalna bolest)  je više sebičan osjećaj, koji se stvara u odnosu na to kada se ne osjećamo voljenim ili cijenjenim, dok je tuga vrsta osjećaja koja se razvija kada osjećamo za druge, kada smo puni suosjećanja.  Tužni smo kada nismo opsjednuto samim sobom nego kada gledamo širu sliku, kada se brinemo za sve, za svijet. Kada se osjećamo depresivnim, ne vidimo svijetlo zato što nas je briga samo za nas same, zato što nemamo snage voljeti druge, a želimo sami biti voljeni. Kada smo tužni, ne vidimo svijetlo jer je možda u tom trenu skriveno, ali ga možemo osjetiti jer nam je srce otvoreno.  Ja vjerujem da nas tuga može učiniti boljim ljudima. Prema mojoj osobnoj definiciji ovih riječi, ovaj roman je u meni stvorio tugu, a ne depresiju. Ovaj roman me rastužio i rasplakao, doista je, ali katarza je često znak prave književnosti. Ima više vrsta tuga, a neke od njih su zapravo ključne za naš osoban razvoj pa ne bismo trebali bježati od njih. Ovaj roman ima u sebi notu tragedije, ali ova tragedija rađa onu vrstu tuge koja nas može puno naučiti kada joj doista otvorimo srce.


  1. Ciao Ivana! Sono tornata! Anch'io ho letto Maupassant, i racconti dell'incubo, e devo dire che mi è molto piaciuto. Adesso però mi prendo un po' di tempo per leggere con attenzione tutto quello che hai scritto allenando così il mio inglese ;) Un abbraccio!Cate

  2. nice!

    Fashion & makeup

  3. Adoro il genere della short story, le trovo molto intense perché tutto si concentra in poche pagine. Dei francesi di questo periodo ho letto solo Zola :)

  4. The book sounds really interesting and the cover is beautiful. Your photos are amazing and I love your hair do today! <3

  5. Your analysis and description of this book is so in depth and well detailed that I'm so intrigued by it now. I've heard of Guy de Maupassant but I'm not familiar with his work. I think I really need to change that now.

  6. First of all I love your hair dear!
    And omg! Maupassant is truly great! I've been reading his works since I was in high school. I would love to read the book as I do adore the works of Maupassant. I even did a report about one of his short stories when I was in high school hahaha

    love lots,

  7. Sounds quite fascinating and I was interested at seeing some of your own philosophy mixed into your review as well. That answers some of the questions that had been bugging me. Not the answers I was hoping for but I am in total agreement that reality must be faced, whatever that brings. Your action shots of you reading, thinking about what you read, and then reading some more made me smile. I have never seen a book report more correctly accompanied by pictures :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I really appreciate it..I loved this book so much that I could help rereading it as the photos were taken:)

  8. Interessante questo libro Ivana e... bellissima la tua acconciatura!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  9. Predivan post, hvala na preporuci knjige! <3

  10. The book sounds like a really good read with universal themes that we can all relate to and learn something from. Thanks so much for sharing!


  11. I love this writer and the book is beautiful, what a great thing to have :)) You look great and I like the sunshine that is making the space so golden here :)) I hope you have a wonderful week ahead Xxx

  12. Nice pics!!! Love the coat!

  13. Dear Ivana, I never have read a story or a novel from Guy de Maupassant, but what you tell about it, sounds interesting. Even more interesting to me, HOW you are telling it. Very intelligent, your thoughts about the difference between depression and sadness, and I also believe that it is not pessimistic, but realistic to recognize the lust and greed of people... and that it is better, not to go thourgh the world with rose-colored glasses... Beautiful images in a wintry nature - with a beautiful coat and a very pretty hairstyle!
    Lots of hugs and I'm happy that you like the idea of "A new Life" and that you have the plan to linkup when your topic is suitable!
    XOX Traude

    1. thank you, the fact you really liked this review means a lot to me.

  14. Fabulous review. Loved your detailed post.

  15. How nice to read a favorite book outside!
    Amazing view....breathtaking!

  16. Cool post dear!!!

  17. I'm familiar with Maupassant, but have not read this novel, I am interested in Bel Ami. Thanks so much for the review. <3
    Event Styling

  18. Anche io ho letto Maupassant qualche tempo e devo dire che mi sono ritrovata molto nella tua analisi, soprattutto nel punto in cui dici che non è certo necessario mettere delle lenti rosa per essere ottimisiti!
    Adoro la tua pettinatura! :D

  19. Wow Ivana u look so pretty with the braid love ur choice of location and that puffer jacket with those tassels looks so stylish!

  20. I really like novels, so I have to google Maupassant as soon as possible, because this novel about you wrote about seems really great, you intrigued me by your analysis :) Btw, I love your hair style and this place, where you took these photos seems like perfect one to read some books, Ivana :)

  21. It's interesting to read your thoughts about this, Ivana! I think these days many are confused between sadness and depression and I agree, there's a huge differences between the two. I'll need to research about this author, sounds like he has really great work.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  22. Thank you so much for the recommendation! That's really interesting. I have never read this book))

  23. That sounds like something I would love to read! I love interesting stories, which show human nature! Thanks for the wonderful review Ivana!


  24. He sounds a great author- I like the fact you think he is able to write about the female mind well! Plus, I always love descriptions!!!!
    Your hair looks really pretty by the way!x

    1. yes, he is really able to write abot the female mind.

  25. Che belli i capelli sistemati così! mi piacciono tantissimo!
    the Glamour Taste
    Facebook | Instagram

  26. It sounds like a really great read! And your photos are lovely, btw!


  27. oh I do not know!:(
    I love the braid ! kiss

  28. Beautiful outfit Ivana:) You look gorgeous as always:) and of course I love the views <3
    Have a nice week Pretty!

  29. your post`s made me finish reading all the books I`ve started:)
    Beautiful photos indeed!

  30. Naturalisti su općenito imali taj neki depresivan mood i ne mogu se sjetiti niti jednoga koji nije bio takav... ipak, iz nekog razloga uvijek više uživam u takvim knjigama nego nekim veselima... ne znam ni sama zašto... biti će da sam pobornica one- lijepim osjećajima se stvara loša književnost :) Tvrdnju ne smatram u potpunosti istinitom, ali ima nešto u toj boli koja može imati toliko oblika i načina... ne znam da li je isti sa srećom :/
    Također sam čitala samo njegove kratke priče te bi se svakako trebala prihvatii i romana, vjerujem da me ne bi razočarali!

    1. istina, ponekad je baš to pričanje o bolnim temama ono što nam treba...kao što sam negdje pročitala, moramo pogledati i prihvatiti ranu da bi ona zarasla.

  31. I've read Bel Ami and some of his short stories as a kid. My mother liked his books very much. Great inside and review, Ivana.

  32. Uvek me ujedno raduje i rastuži činjenica da ima tooooliko knjiga na svetu koje želim da pročitam i da se to na kraju svede na jedan mali procenat. Čitala sam samo njegove priče, nadam se da ću i ovu knjigu.
    Slike su divne, ma fantastične, a ta jakna je pun pogodak :)

  33. Cute scarf :)
    Maria V.

  34. "We can't change others, so we might as well stop judging them and concentrate on living our own lives. " Yes - absolutely agree. This is a very thoughtful and thought provoking set of reflections of Maupassant's novel. I haven't read it, but I'll certainly put it on my list now.

  35. I wish I read as many books as you do. This book is a must-read. Thank you for sharing Ivana.

  36. Have a great evening, my dear Ivana ;)

  37. Lovely photos! I'll have to give his novel a read! :) xx

  38. I haven't heard of this book before, thanks for recommendation! The pictures are fab btw
    Have a lovely week!


  39. i classici hanno sempre un loro perché, peccato che oggi non vengono più letti
    hai fatto una bella descrizione, tesoro, complimenti

  40. i classici hanno sempre un loro perché, peccato che oggi non vengono più letti
    hai fatto una bella descrizione, tesoro, complimenti

  41. The cover of this book is beautiful ! Thank you for this review :)

  42. Sounds like a good Book, Never heared before of it. Also great pictures and love your hairstyle.
    Have a nice Weekend


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